Chapter 1

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Just like any other morning, I turned off my 7 a.m. alarm. I had been patrolling the city last night, but it wasn't too busy so i managed to get 5 hours of sleep in last night (which for me is quite a lot!). To any one else this might seem barbaric. Why would you have 5 hours of sleep when you could have a whole nights worth!?
That's the thing, in order for the people in my city to have a whole nights worth they need to be protected from disturbances (potentially dangerous disturbances, nonetheless). That is where i come in. I am a vigilante going by the name of Menace, now I'm not actually a menace but it's good to keep up a facade when trying to be a hero. I'm only trying to help my city because there was no one to help my dad when he got mugged and killed. I mean not even the Avengers helped him, so this has triggered a deep hatred between me and the Avengers. Have i yet to meet them? No, but if i do i won't hesitate to kill them! My dad's death really took a toll on my mum so this is also why i took up this extra-curricular. And, the guy who almost destroyed my family is no longer alive; i may have gone overboard with him but I'm not like that with everyone, i promise!

Anyway, i got straight up for school not wanting to miss the buss. My mother has already left for work. She's a doctor so i don't see her often. I wake up and she's gone, i come home and to no one's surprise she is nowhere to be seen! I am used to this though and it makes patrolling the city a lot easier because when she does return home she's sound asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow. She doesn't suspect a thing, as long as my grades are perfect she doesn't really care as she knows that i can take care of myself (cooking etc)

At around 7:30 i had showered and started making breakfast. The bus picks me up at 8:15 so I have plenty of time. I decide to play on my phone whilst eating my toast.

Before i knew it, the bus was rolling up in front of my house. I put my plate in the sink and grabbed my bag that i packed before patrolling, locked my front door and headed on inside the bus.
As i ascended onto the steps of the bus, i nodded to the bus driver, Jeremy (who is super friendly) and made my way to the back of the bus. Of course it wasn't an easy expedition as Liz and her friends started snickering and pointing at me. I tried to ignore them but it was quite hard to do as my face met the disgusting carpet of the bus's floor after being tripped by the one and only Liz. I quickly got up and headed to the back hoping to avoid as much attention as possible. Whilst heading to the back i heard Liz and her group laugh and call me names which made a few other students laugh. I quickly sunk into the back seat and had my head in one of Bruce Banner's books immediately waiting for the hour long bus ride to be over. You may be asking "Emma, you are a vigilante, why do you not stand up to Liz and her friends!?" That's the thing, in their eyes i am just a nerd that hates physical activities and if i keep up that facade they will never suspect me of being the menace

After what felt like 15 minutes as i was super interested in my book the bus came to a halt. I waited for everyone to get off whilst i followed and said goodbye to Jeremy and made my way into school. Fortunately for me Liz didn't try and punch my guts whilst i exited the bus as she usually does. Happily, i made my way over to my science class. I don't have any friend really. I mean Peter had always been my best friend, but recently he's been hanging out with Ned and Mj, leaving me by myself, I'm not in the best situation friend wise so i like to concentrate on my studies which are way too easy, but i still do them. I have only recently sent my Harvard application in, but i will only receive a reply in about 2 months, when they start accepting people. I may be 16, but i am quite tall so i could pass as 18. (I'm really not but hey, there's many successful short people in the world! Plus i need the confidence boost), also my face is very defined and mature, so that definitely helps. I need it to be able to help, because there's no other way I'll get accepted. I mean, who would trust a 16 year old!? I managed to get my diploma through an online high school course. I did choose the best one but it was still a breeze, no one knows about any of this though, and i intend to keep it that way. Anyway, as i walked into the class M.J. was talking to Ned and Peter (in this story Peter is spider man and part of the Avengers which Emma is oblivious to despite seeing the Avenger out swinging most nights but is no where near as smart as Emma) and seemed deep into a conversation, so i made my way to the back of the class waiting for the teacher.

After about 5 minutes the teacher walked in. This was a new teacher that i had never seen before. He wrote his name on the board and spoke loud and clear "Hello class, my name is Mr Berann, and i am your new teacher. It seems that Mrs Crowley has injured herself and will be off for the next couple of weeks" he stated whilst making quick eye contact with Peter, Ned and M.J. I didn't think much of this as our usual science teacher was quite old and could definitely hurt herself very seriously with even the slightest movements. I put my head in the crevices of my elbows as i saw the new teacher write something on the board which the class hadn't learnt yet but me being me had. I did get quite a shock as this was college level studies and that most of my peers wouldn't understand any of it, but this made me feel special so i smiled. This teacher peaked my interest as I watched like a hawk on everything he was doing. I liked this teacher already. He had really nice blond hair that was parted down the middle of his scalp. He wore a nice but worn down grey suit and tie with a white laboratory coat on top. I already knew that i was going to enjoy his lessons

After he wrote a question on the board that i knew the answer to, i was ready to raise my hand but he had already asked Flash if he could solve the problem. I snorted silently at this as i knew he would understand this. He stayed silent for about 2 minutes before shaking his head indicating that he didnt know the answer. I could tell he was embarrassed by this as a couple of popular people started laughing at him being dumb when they didnt know either. I found it quite ironic! But before I could soak that in, it seemed that Flash made eye contact with me and saw my smirk, i immediately stopped but it was too late. He pointed at me and said "what are you looking at you creep, there is no way in hell that your stupid arse can answer this". I immediately turned red as everyone started laughing and pointing at me and calling me a freak, everyone except M.J. and her friends.

I'm guessing our new teacher didn't like what Flash did so he told him off. I internally screamed as i knew that that wouldn't stop anything. I was right as i saw Flash move his finger across his throat staring directly at me. I got cut off from his stare when our teacher stood in front of me with a whiteboard pen "would you like to have a go at my problem, there is no need to stress as everyone will try it" he said. Obviously wanting to see if i really was stupid. Angry at Flash i grabbed the pen off of him and went to the front of the room, ready to prove that jerk wrong. I glanced at the problem but was cut off by Mr. Berann "it's ok if you can't solve, it is quite tricky". I snorted and within 5 seconds i had answered the question, i knew i was right so i didnt need clarification from the teacher so i walked back to my seat, handed him the pen and sat back down. He looked gobsmacked!

He looked over my answer a couple of times to clarify and said shell shocked after checking my name "Emma you are completely correct, you also did it in record breaking time, how did you know how to answer this!? He questioned. I felt everyone's eyes on me so i put my head back on my arms not wanting to draw attention, this didnt work but luckily the bell rang, so I grabbed my bag and made my way into the hall looking back and seeing a confused teacher trying to pin point me.

As i made my way to my locker an announcement was made "will the class 10c please get changed into their physical education uniform and go to the sports hall instead of lesson 2 please, thank you". After hearing this, i realised that it was my class, fortunately for me i was a little sore after last night's patrolling so it would be easy to persuade everyone that I despised whatever we were doing. Was i confused by this and the sudden new teacher? Yes. Did i care? No.

I carried on to the changing room and got changed.

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