Chapter 15

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After what had happened nobody except myself seemed to be phased. I was on the verge of killing Madame B and everyone else who is in control of this torturous group. How on earth have these other kids survived under these standards!? These standards have now made me doubt all of my plans for escaping, because i can be killed at the drop of a hat, and they would just get another kid in. And that cannot happen, no more kids should be allowed here, and so it's vital i escape successfully and at the right time. Because as Madame B said i could be an asset, a valuable one at that and i don't think they would appreciate one being on the lose and i would hope they would do everything in their power to get them back. I mean especially since i could accidentally upload everything i know about this death trap before they try and get me back and could save many kids. But for now I'm going to have to play along, and falsely comply to some things here in order to avoid suspicion and death. Because as much as i hate and joke about my life sometimes, i do enjoy my life and i really want to see my mom again. I hope she's doing ok, wherever she is in this place. I need to stay strong for her.

After the guards took the girls body, i was taken by Madame B. At least it wasn't the guards because they had guns on them whereas Madame B had nothing. But that didn't stop me from trying to wiggle out of Madame B's steel grip on my forearm. But that didnt work and resulted in her nails drawing blood from my upper arm. What is this woman on! She's like 60, and i know people can stay fit by exercising daily, but this woman is crazy.  I'm definitely in a cult.

Around 5 minutes later, Madame B came before another door that said 'training' on it. Didn't i just come from whatever these people call training? I really don't want to go through this again. I don't want to be here at all. But, Madame B proceeded to open the door and drag me in. In side were girls around the age 0f 18 and above. Why am i here!? I am a minor, and i know a lot of illegal things have gone on in the past 30 minutes, but i feel the need to say my rights as a minor. I don't think it's legal to physically assault a minor, but i don't think anything here really is legal. Every time i close my eyes, I'm met with the girls horrified, blood stained face. I can still feel the phantom weight of the gun in my hand. How am i supposed to last here a while! I'll go crazy before i can even escape! But what better way to mask my pain than with a bit of self humour? That's how I've felt with bottling up my emotions until now and I'll continue it until i die.

Bro, I'm already short for my age, there was no need for this assault on my height. Also why the hell am i in a class with older people, i was much happier with kids my own age. These girls/women have a meaner look in their eyes that is hidden but still there. I can feel them piercing my soul! I'm definitely going to get killed. Might as well go out with a bang! That wasnt funny...idiot.

I woke up this morning, in the hallway of my house. And so i got up with my head pounding. What happened? I tried to remember what had happened for me to end up here, and so i started calling for Emma. "Emma"......"Emma, where are you". I looked at the time which was 5;45 am and started to frantically run to Emma's room. She should be asleep, but she was nowhere to be seen, and her room was a mess. There was only one logical for Emma being gone, and me waking up in the hallway. The red room had caught up to

I couldn't deal with the pain. I slid down the wall crying, my heart beating out of my chest, with my breathing patterns erratic. I couldn't deal with this. My daughter, the only thing i had left was gone. It made me regret not spending a lot of time with her after Jonathan (her dad, my husband) died. I thought it was for the best. We felt that together we could fight anyone who targeted or threatened us because we had each other. We also planned on training her to defend herself together when she was older and could tell her about the dangers she might have to face. We didn't tell her about the dangers when she was young or started training her because we wanted to live a normal life, as normal as you could get under our circumstances. But when Johnathan died i started doubting my abilities. Could i protect my child by myself? No, I don't think I could've and so the best decision at that time was to work extra long hours, leave before she awoke, and come back after she was asleep so nobody who could hurt us would see us together and threaten Emma. I couldn't tell her anything, because i alone didnt have enough skill to teach her enough to defend herself. I lost a lot of skill after leaving the red room because i stopped exercising altogether; the same with Jonathan. I now regret that massively. We should have spend every waking moment together, because the red room would have come eventually, and I could've trained her to fight for herself by myself or even given her lessons. I hate myself for my selfish decisions, and there's now a a chance i will never see my daughter again!

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