Chapter 34

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It was early in the morning when the tower was interrupted by the big boss.

Steve was the first to see him and he panicked. He paged everyone straight away so they could have more time to protect Emma.

Fury was here. Time was up.

If found guilty which she would no doubt be, life as Emma knew it would be over. Fury had the power to destroy her.

"Rogers, set up interrogation room 39 for Emma Holland- Evans right now. I've heard of what's been happening over here and I am disappointed to have found out from other staff rather than my most trusted team about this matter. Why is that Rogers!?" Fury screams at Steve.

Steve didn't want to answer him. He couldn't say the at they were protecting Emma as that would make the situation worse.

"I can't tell you sir. There's been a lot on our plate"

"Sort you and your team out Rogers! I don't want to have to put things in place. I'll be keeping a close eye on you from now on. If I find out in any way you're playing me, it'll be hell."

Steve gulped and went to go set up the room.


Emma was awoken by two guards dressed in all black coming to get her.

They opened her glass cell door and came at her. Emma backed away trying to find any type of exit.

She was annoyed. The team didn't even bother to come and get her for wherever she was going.

With that she just let these random people take her. She started believing people cared for her, and as soon as she did they stopped.

She was dragged through the tower, through places she had never seen.

She was brought through a door into a white room. White walls, bright light, white table.

Her attention was brought on to the same guy she saw in her school. He wanted her to be part of his little training scheme.

Surprisingly Emma still felt as if that would be the wrong choice. Even after all that happened she wanted to continue to learn.

She still wanted to be menace and still do it secretly but this whole thought of having a future was a push.

She was currently a fugitive. Could she ever return to normal life?

The guy she knew as Nick Fury asked her to sit down.

She felt fully alone for the first time in her life.

Little did she know that the rest of the team was watching her every move to make sure she was safe. They were willing to go against Nick if they saw anything going wrong or her being hurt.

With that the interrogation started.

"Emma, you know I had faith in you which I don't have in much people. You were smart and you had the skill set needed, but you blew my kind, life changing offer away. Why?"

Emma swallowed. She felt intimidated. It's as if no one ever said no to this guy.

Defo only child syndrome.

Emma went in with her only defence. Her false confidence.

"Well sir, I wanted to take an educational route not the one you suggested to me. I agree it was an amazing offer but it wasn't what I wanted to do. I wanted to further my intellect and maybe change the world through it" she replied.

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