Chapter 3

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I read for the rest of recess. I thanked the librarian and put the book in my bag. You may be asking, what book could I possibly be so excited about? Well being the nerd i am, i am very interested in science, and so when Bruce Banner's new book came out I couldn't wait to read it! The thing is, the book sold out overnight, so me and Janet (the librarian) kept our best eye out for it, and it seems she managed to get it first. But, nonetheless i finally have the book in my grasp!!

Anyway, i got through the rest of my lessons up until lunch which all seemed to have a whole school full of new teachers. I found today so far very odd.

I once again went and ate my lunch in the library. I was expecting it to be quiet as usual but i saw all of the new teachers and the people from the sports hall all sat around each other. Can these people get any creepier!? I decided that i didn't want to get kidnapped by these creepy people so i legged it out the library and into the science lab. I basically just read my book for the rest of lunch, which wasn't too bad, it was a little uncomfortable but bearable, at least i was away from Liz and her friends!

The bell rang, so i headed to my last lesson of the day; which of course had to be history. I despise history! As i walked in, of course there was a new teacher there. What is going on! I decided to try and figure this out another day because i do not have the right brainpower having even the thought of history in my mind. As i took my seat in the back of the class, the lesson soon started, but it was all on WWII. This was not part of our syllabus. The teacher, Mr Sorreg handed out a worksheet out as he went back to his desk and started on what i think was attempt to use a phone. This made me chuckle inside, but i felt a bit bad for him because he looks really really confused.

I completed the worksheet easily. Even though i hate history i doesn't mean that i am bad at it. In all fairness though, I'm pretty sure this new teacher is 1. Not qualified and 2. I doesn't know the difference between 11 year olds and a 11th grade worksheets. After i had finished my work i got my book out and read. Luckily, Flash, Liz and their friends obviously thought of this as a free lesson and just went on their phones so I wasn't really disturbed that much.

School finished quicker than I thought. So i legged myself to the bus hoping to get the back seat so I wouldn't be disturbed. Fortunately i was the first one one the bus. I said hello to Jeremy, and sunk into my seat and my book. It was peaceful, until the stampede of students entered the bus, fortunately for me no one realised me, so i was safe today (from Liz). I was always the last one to exit the bus, so i said goodbye to Jeremy and ran straight into my house.

I ran straight up to my room, did my homework, which only took 15 minutes and set an alarm for 9:30 pm. I went straight to sleep. This is how i stay alive whilst being The Menace. Because there's no way i could physically survive on 5 hours of sleep a night, so i make up for it by sleeping as soon as i get home from school. It may be an awkward sleep schedule but it works so i dint really care!

I'm sorry for this chapter being boring, but it's just a filler that makes everything else make sense.
I promise the rest of the chapter's will be better and more exiting
Also the author of the book in the cover picture is Lê Nguyên Hoang
- The Author

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