Chapter 26

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The avengers stayed with Peter and Emma until Peter was calm enough to be put in his bed in his own room. They all wanted to escape the depressed mood of the room due to recent events. Yet at this moment there was no light at the end of the tunnel. They still had Emma who doesn't remember anything up until almost a year back. She hated all of the Avengers especially Peter, and Peter was in no state of mind to be hearing these things as he believed what Emma was saying, even though they weren't true. For right now, they needed to figure out what happened to Emma whilst their children rest.

The Avengers were all very concerned for both children and so they first discussed Emma. What happened to her? How has she forgotten what has happened recently and why did she think her mom was already dead? They needed to find out exactly what Emma remembers whilst keeping them and her safe. Obviously they had a room for her for when she is calmer although the windows are locked and Jarvis alerts everyone when her door is open and closed. She will also have 24/7 surveillance except for in her room. They owed her mom too much. If they found Emma earlier or if Nat didn't make that nasty comment which made Emma unaware of her surroundings Emma's mom would still be here, and Emma would be safe. The least they could do was take care of Emma. Although they couldn't make any progress with her whilst she was asleep.

Although physically her body was a mess. She was covered in scars, some of which had traces of infection starting in them, which were put to rest with help from a cream from Bruce. There were a couple of broken bones that were almost healed, so they didnt need any casts on them. She also had a concussion. They made sure her IV was supplying her the right nutrients so that she could recover as quickly as possible.

They also needed to be there as support for Peter. Only Tony had seen him in a bad place like this. And that only happened once around a year ago. He made a schedule for him. He made him come down to sit with the rest of the Avengers for every meal time, yet didnt force him to eat. He eat on his own free will, yet the comfort of having company helped him. He made sure Peter knew he was there for him, that he loved him. When he heard him cry in the nights he would cuddle with him until he fell asleep and made sure he awoke with him in the morning just to prove he would never leave. He did give Pepper quite a few heart attacks when she woke and he was gone, but it was soon resolved after a quick explanation. The rest of the Avengers also supported Peter, and were as supportive as possible.

Tony went and cuddled with Peter to ease his sense of mind, to make sure that his son was still with him. He needed the cuddle just as much as Peter did. The rest of the team went and discussed Emma's situation.

In the Ned, they all decided that Emma was to have an anklet which includes a tracking device, and a magnetic strip that doesn't allow her to leave the tower without an authorisation code. They weren't going to deny her the outside world, yet she would be kept on a tight leash. She would not be able to go anywhere or do anything without somebody there. They needed to make sure she was safe, and wouldn't run away to the place she was now Layla too. They also needed to make sure she was ok on the news about her mom. She might not believe them right now, yet something could switch in her memory and she could breakdown. They needed to be there for her.

Bruce would be spending his time trying to make a serum that could bring Emma's memories back. They needed Emma back. They needed the normal, outgoing, defiant Emma. Not this shell of her. They may have only been with Emma for a short period of time, yet she affected all of the their lives, even if no one know how she did it, not even the Avengers themselves.


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