Chapter 31

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I don't know how but I awoke in my bed yet again. I feel like I'm sleeping too much. I don't have to think too hard about who took me to my room after the film, if you know what I mean. Just a certain spider boy.

I quickly got him out of my mind and went to wash up. I closed the door as I went to get my clothes to try and hide the broken mirror. I don't want someone coming in and seeing it, so I'm taking precautions. As I'm choosing what to wear and how I'll try and use my powers today, there's a knock on the door.

I tell them to come in, wondering who it is.
I see a bunch of red hair come through and know it's Nat. Did she not get the message that I don't like her. At all? I mean she lied about my mum who knows what else!?

I think might have some anger issues. Oh well.

"What do you want Nat, i don't want to deal with you today" I told her tiredly.

I also want her to get out so i can try and get my powers under control. My plan is that tonight I'm going to practice all night. I need to get these powers under control. They'd be so useful in everyday life and i could have more confidence and start going out as Menace again. I need to get this stupid Stark band of my ankle first though.

I'm sure i can figure it out. If i do, ill need to stop by my house for my spare uniform as my last one is gone.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to and out with me today. I though we could have some bonding time. I need you to hear my side of the story" Nat said looking upset.

Did she mean we could go outside of the tower? Because if so I'll happily go.

"I'm willing to hear you out if we can leave this stuffy place"

"We can but only for 45 minutes. That's all you have permission for. You try and make a run in that time you'll be shocked, literally. It's easier if you comply". Nat said looking tired. I may not like her but I'll do anything for freedom any day.

"Ok fine, but i want ice cream whilst we're out". I state, not allowing any room for her to disagree. I even see a little smirk on her face which makes me smile a little. I stop my face from moving by itself straight away and give her a blank stare again.

"I'll come and get you in 30 minutes, please be ready by then" she says and leaves.

I nod and turn away form her in order to go back to my bathroom. For the remainder of the time i tidy up the mirror as best i can. Ok sure there's a big piece of the mirror missing from the middle, but i think it's awesome and still usable, as long as you look from the corners. Perfectly fine.

I turn around from the mirror and practice my powers. I can now hold my lighting between my hands for a couple of seconds. I need to find someplace safe in which I can aim my lighting at something.

After I think I've done enough i get my stuff ready. My room had a wallet with some cash in it, probably courtesy of Tony Stark. Look I'll take money from anyone any day whether i hate you or not. It's money! So useful!

Nat comes in just as i pack my phone and wallet into my purse. I'm not going to complain about the clothes and other nice things that are in my room either.

We don't really speak to each other so i just follow her. She leads me past many rooms some of which haveAvengers in, but they don't notice us. We get in the loft and it's one of the most awkward experiences I've ever had. We keep trying not to make eye contact but it just makes things even weirder.

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