Chapter 33

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As soon as Emma had run off I tried to find her. It was too hard seeing as we were in a tourist hotspot. I had no idea why she ran away as I lost sight of her as soon as she was away from me. I tried looking for her as she should be passed out from the shock she would have received from Stark's anklet but I never found her body.

I had stupidly left the tracker and my phone in the tower as I didn't want any disruption on our day out. I didn't think she would run away as I had faith in her. It backfired on me as I had no way of calling for help or find where she was.

I ran back to the tower as fast I could. I ran straight to Stark. He had a very punchable face, and I was ready to knock him as I was consumed in my anger. I managed to control myself.

"TONY! Emma is gone, andicantfindher"

He just looked at me like I was a maniac instead of helping me.

"Romanoff, chill what's happened?"

I went up to his face so i could get my point across.

"Emma ran away and I can't find her. You have the tracker, you need to find her!" I tried my hardest to keep the panic out of my voice but it was clear as I could tell from Tony's face.

Believe it or not, I cared for people. Not many but some special people.

"Ok, ok I'm looking. How did you lose her? It's supposed to shock her?" Tony asked, so i told him the whole situation as he continued to look for her.

"She's not showing up. It says here that the tracker was deactivated 150m away from where you said you lost her. She must of somehow managed to get it off of her foot, which i find hard to believe as she must of had to cut off her foot for that to work. Something else might be in play" Tony said looking worried.

I don't think Emma is stupid enough to cut off her own foot, but then again i didn't think she would run away. Thoughts are running through my head.

What if she was taken again, what if she was killed, maybe the tracker malfunctioned and she's hurt?

I don't care for many people, but when i do, i do it good. Well in my opinion.

"Tony, come on we have to tell the team. We need to find her. It's going to be evening soon and its dangerous out there" and with that i left to go find the team. We needed all hands on board for this.

"Nat, stop. I know you care for Emma. We all do. But listen, there's nothing we can do. We don't have any visual on where she is nor can we track her location. All we can do right now is wait. I can send out some drones and keep running diagnostics on the tracker to see if it can pick up anything on where she is, but New York is over 780km. I'm sorry but we can't do anything right now"

"Tony, you can't say that. She is a child. She is in danger!-

"And she's a fugitive Nat! Have you forgotten the deal we made with Fury!? The only way she could stay with us was if she didn't leave, or if she did we had to use the anklet. Now that she's free, she's a fugitive. She will be placed under arrest if found and kept in the cells in the basement. No more chilling with us, alone and we don't know for how long. Do you really want to bring her back to that life? Trapped? Maybe she's better of without us" Tony said looking angry.

"No! Do not turn this on us! We have given her nothing but kindness. I'd rather have her here where we know she is safe than on those streets. Hydra could still be after her! We can help her prove her innocent-''

"NO WE CAN'T! SHE RAN AWAY NAT. YOU NEED TO ACCEPT THAT! I don't want to see her be put in jail, no one here does but I'd rather that than Fury getting her hands on her. Plus to take your mind off of it i have a mission that needs to be done. Get the team together, we'll leave in 10. Don't argue with me Nat, we all care for her."

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