Chapter 8

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I enter the staff room, which includes all of the Avengers, all looking down, whilst Fury looks as if he's going to kill someone. I quickly sat down, worried as to why everyone looked so gloomy and scared. As i sat down, Fury stood up and started shouting "FINALLY MAXIMOFF, YOU'RE HERE. NOW ROMANOFF HAD EMMA IN HER P.E. CLASS, AND SHE'S CERTAIN THAT SHE'S DOING SOMETHING ILLEGAL, LIKE HACKING INTO SOMETHING ON HER LAPTOP. STARK AND BANNER HAVE TOLD US HOW SMART SHE IS, AND WITH HER MARTIAL ARTS ABILITY SHE IS A BIGGER THREAT THAN WE THOUGH. SO MR. PARKER WILL TRY AND GET CLOSE TO HER TO SEE, WHAT SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY SHE'S DOING ON HER LAPTOP, WHILST YOU ALL WILL TRY AND GET AS CLOSE TO HER AS YOU CAN. TRY AND ENGAGE IN A CONVERSATION, TO DETERMINE HOW DANGEROUS SHE IS! WE WILL HAVE A MEETING NEXT WEEK TO SEE WHAT ACTION NEEDS TO BE TAKEN!" As we all processed what he had said, he obviously wanted us to leave as he burst my eardrum by shouting "MEETING DISMISSED!"

Everybody left the meeting in silence and parted their own ways, too scared to talk. I felt the same, it seemed as though Fury was going to kill us at any second. I guess the fact that a 16 year old declined his offer really got to him. What a sad life. I now had a formal mission, as Emma was in my next class which started in 5 minutes, so i headed back and devised a plan on how to get close to her.

I decided as i am the art teacher, i am going to give them the hardest work possible, and help her as she struggles and learn some stuff about her. I am a genius, this was an amazing plan!

As i was reading in the library, the bell rang, so i checked my phone and unfortunately i had art. Now you may be questioning how i can handle many different weapons expertly yet not a pencil, is a question i can't answer. I physically cannot make the pencil do want i want in terms of art, it's so infuriating! I decided to just get it over and done with, and so i trudged down the hall and into the art department

As I arrived, i realised that i was 3 minutes late and that they were in the middle of the register. I decided to try and sneak into my seat in the back of the class with out this new teacher noticing, yet as soon as i has stepped into the room, her eyes stared straight at me. It was unsettling, but after a few moments, she wearily went back to doing the register. No one else in the class really noticed me, which was good. As i sat down, the teacher called my name and so i answered.

After she was done, she put a slideshow up to show what we were going to be doing, and let's just say that was way out of my range. And so i did the only thing a person does in this situation, i encoded to hack the teacher files. So, I brought my computer out of my bag and continued my detective skill. That was until she coughed very loudly in front of me. I quickly shut my laptop and looked her in the eyes wondering what she wanted "can i help you Miss Ximoffam?" She continued to stare until she responded with "I was just wondering why you were on your laptop and not doing the work i set". I knew I couldn't tell her what i was doing on my laptop, so i decided to tell her the truth. "I can't do the work, is why" I whispered, embarrassed. "I'm sorry what, could you speak up, i can't hear you" she replied. Now i didn't want to bring much attention to myself, so i said it barely loud enough for her to hear "I can't do the work is why". Now what she didn't do like the old art teacher was walk away looking disgustedly at me, but instead she sat down next to me and started helping me, which baffled me and so i questioned her

"What are you doing?" i questioned. She just smiled lovingly at me and replied "I'm helping you of course, isn't that what teachers do? I don't want you to struggle!" I was at a loss for words, no one has ever helped me before and so all that came out of my mouth was "O". She was obviously confused and so she asked what i meant by it. I was sceptical to tell her, but as soon as i saw how she was helping me and the vibe she was giving off, i just decided to spill. "O, um well I've never had anyone help me before. Usually teachers just look at you weirdly and disgustedly and just leave you to figure it out on your own.". I was skeptical of what she would say back, but she just asked whilst drawing the outline of my work for me "Anyone at home, willing to help you?" I stayed silent for a moment before saying "My dad's dead and my mother is a doctor, so she's never really home and when she is she falls straight asleep, so no there isn't" i replied. She then gave me a pitied look. I was about to say something to her about it, but she left to help another student before i could, so I decided to give a go on my work

As i looked at it, i realised what i had to do, and so i tried my very best to try and prove to this new teacher that i don't need pity and that i can do stuff myself. I got so sucked in i didn't realise how long i had being doing it, as the bell rang. As i walked up to the front of the class, i saw everyone else's and that they looked a lot better than mine. I decided to shove it in the middle of the pile, so she couldn't see mine, but it was too late. As i was trying to leave, she stood in front of me, and said "Don't be ashamed of your work Emma, you should be proud of it, and if you need me i am always here to talk" i nodded and ran out of the classroom into the library (my safe space) and cried. I cried because i was embarrassed that i didn't get help from people, because they didn't care, yet i found safety in her words. It felt as if she liked me, and I hadn't felt that for a long time. It was nice, but i continued to cry because if how upset i was.

As I asked Emma, what she was doing on the laptop and not doing the work hoping to get answers (aka my plan) she spilled stuff that i didn't expect. I was expecting something was up because she got in a fight, or something like that happened, but when she told me that no one helped her, i felt upset. I could tell it affected her greatly as well, as her whole demeanour changed and she looked very embarrassed. So, me being me, I'd decided to help her. She questioned me on it, and that made me almost cry.

As i listened to her talk, I felt bad towards her and not hostile as if she was a threat. I hope that she isn't going to be classed as a threat, because she's actually ver lovely, but i unfortunately had to cut our chat shorts as another student called me over asking for help, and i needed to treat everyone fairly to keep my demeanour up.

After helping another couple of kids, i went back to my desk and watched Emma, all through the lesson. And it seemed as if she was really trying. She was doing the work and so I couldn't wait to see it.

After about 40 minutes the bell rang, everyone came up and handed their papers in, and i had to say that they were exceptional, yet i was still waiting to see Emma's. As she came closer she saw everyone else's work and compared it to hers. She obviously was upset about it and so she stuck it in the middle of the pile hoping nobody saw, but i did. I decided to stop her, and to let her know that i am always here for her. I decided to see what made her so upset. As i got hers out of the pile and compared them, i realised that she hadn't been taught how to do stuff properly because of the lack of help. As everyone else could shade properly, she couldn't, and it made a difference.    

It was at that moment in time, that i was going to help Emma, whether it was in art, as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent or as a threat, because she deserved it.

Steve- Me Bucky and Nat were chilling out in the library together as we all had a free period. We were going over what to do about our mission, and what tactics to use, when the library doors burst open. We all jumped and went to see what had happened, but what i saw broke my heart. Our threat aka Emma, was crying her eyes out in a table. I don't know the reason, but it must have affected her badly. All i wanted was to go and tell her that everything was alright, and give her a hug, but I couldn't and it was killing me!

Bucky- As i saw our threat run in crying, i immediately felt bad, but i didn't know what to do, as i don't know how to deal with people in pain. So i just stood there staring

Nat-As we were discussing our game plan and were so rudely interrupted, i obviously had to find out who or what it was, but as soon as i saw what it was i felt a tug on my heart. I quickly dismissed that feeling, as i should but I couldn't help but feel bad as i saw our threat crying her eyes out. Her demeanour had changed so much, it showed me how broken she was and that she used witty remarks and sarcasm to cover it up. She seemed to much like me and i did not like that, it i didn't know what tot do. I can't engage because she is our mission, and i am not failing my mission, and so i stayed put.

A/n-is this part boring? If so, I'm sorry
I hope the next chapters will be more exciting

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