Chapter 23

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Me and Jason were on our way out; everything was running smoothly. The mission was over 60% done. We managed to get the information needed, yet we still had the challenge of getting out of the country and back to Russia. Sooner to get rid of Jason, my debt and these feelings. Although i will miss theirs building. I've said it once and i'll say it again, this building and its structural integrity is one of the best I've ever seen.

As we were walking near the glass exit, without turning back, i heard a heavier tread of footsteps coming from around 40 meters behind us. I know Jason heard them as well, and we gave each other a knowing look. We needed to run. But that didn't happen.

Before i could even start my sprint, i was knocked down. I was covered in blood and glass. It seems that something hit the hit, which then ricocheted onto me. As my vision cleared from the blurry mess it was, i saw iron man with his hand outstretched, with blurry figures behind him, and i knew in that moment that my enemy had attacked me. Unbelievable. The avengers may say that they are the heroes, but they are really the villains. I mean how many lives have been lost due to their silly little missions? How many homes, cars, public properties and buildings destroyed? They cause more problems than solutions. They say that they protect everyone, but what about my mother? Where were they when she was killed? How many other families held onto their broken promises? Sure there are evil organisations around, but if the avengers really lived up to their expectations, there shouldn't be any. Fortunately for me, i know that the Red Room wants a fair and just world. One the avengers can't give. I know that we only kill bad people, and not innocents, unlike the Avengers. Also, there are still millions living below the poverty line in New York alone. What have the Avengers done for them?

The world would be better off without them, and I'll make sure of it. To avenge my mother, and the millions affected by their actions.

As i stood up, my whole body ached. I looked behind me to see the carnage. People were running, and there was a whole lot of dangerous mess. Do you see what i mean? They've just attacked me, and haven't given a second thought to the civilians around us.

As i look around, i realise that Jason has gone with the valuable information. I don't blame him. The informations mor important than us, but i would like to get out alive. Although there is a part of me that is a little disappointed at the fact he didn't stay and help me. I thought he actually cared about me, but i guess not. He left just like everyone else in my life. My dad, Peter, my mom and now Jason. Wow. This is my fight now.

And with that i attacked. My blood roaring in my ears. I was angry, and i needed to get my anger out on someone. I don't care what happens now.


I ran. I ran like a coward. Ema was there on the floor covered in blood, and instead of helping her i ran. I shouldn't care, I should be focusing on getting back to base with the information. We cant risk anyone else stealing this information. And i was explicitly told not to open the information on my own computer. Now you could suggest the me being the hacker I am, i could cover my tracks, but hydra had better hackers and the computer is linked to their systems. I can so much as try or I'll be caught.

My hands were raking through my slick black hair.I shouldn't be worrying like this, but i am and i can't stop. I couldn't go back, it was too risky and so i did the best i could in my situation. I was currently hidden between 2 dumpsters at the back of an alley when i got my computer out of my bag. I'd decided to hack into the surveillance of the Avengers tower, so i could see how she was holding up. No matter how much i liked Emma, my mission still stood as did hers. I can't be feeling like this. I value my life no matter how much my feelings for her outweigh my decisions. I'll check on her and if I couldn't help, i would have to leave. There's too much at risk, and with that my emotionless mask slipped on. The one i was famous for.

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