Chapter 28

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I think i managed to get whiplash from how quickly i turned to face Nat. She really doesn't seem to be giving up on finding out things about my mom. Like no offence but i want some privacy, its not like she needs to know everything. I'm in control of my own life!

"Um to be honest I don't think it's actually any of your business. I don't really feel comfortable telling you"
This was obviously not the response any of the Avengers were expecting as they all looked bewildered. But I don't care, they've already taken my free will. Although i was starting to feel uncomfortable under their gazes, especially Nat and Steve.

I was then told rather sternly by Nat that i needed to answer, but i kept silent. I'm not giving in that easily! Also, there was no way i could tell her without her knowing the leverage Madame B used on me. But now that I'm thinking about it, I never did find out how she managed to get that information.

I'm pretty sure the others were finding our little conversation funny but i was ready to run if this girl was going to keep pushing me8. I'd like to say i did grow a bit of a backbone whilst in the Red Room and that I'm much happier with it.

But i start hearing that agitating voice that belongs to Nat again. Can she not take the hint, and shut up! At this point I'm not even fully listening to her but I can hear her rambling on about how important it is that they know everything. I'm fed up so i decide to shut her up whilst guilt tripping her a little.

"Omg, please just shut up, okay!? It's none of your business. All of this talk about my dead mom isn't what i want to talk about! You've taken my freedom and are talking about something that generally makes me upset so please shut up".
In the end I'm screaming at her. And just to add dramatic effect, i run away. I mean its not like i can get very far anyway.
As the icon herself would say, 'when there's too much drama, all you gotta do is walk awaaaayyyyyy'

As i run i can hear chairs scraping against the floor, but I don't hear anyone come after me, and i am very thankful for that. At least someone has a sense of privacy and guilt, and i can only guess who it is which really annoys me to be honest. If Peter comes across as such a nice kid, and understands peoples emotion how could he be so blind to not see how much i liked him. Key word liked.

Another thing i learnt in the Red Room is that you don't kneed to forgive or forget. You can hate. I hate that everyone thinks that you have to be the bigger person, when you don't. It's so stupid.
I'd like to say I've changed for the better in the last couple of months even if others don't agree.

While i was on my little expedition, i came across a lab i presumed was Tony's or Bruce's. It was full of technology, so i looked around for a computer that didn't seem to be connected to anything. I wont lie it was pretty easy to find one but i still tried to be inconspicuous about it just in case there were cameras catching me in the act. I mean i still ran like hell after it so that probably ruined it but I'm sure it will be fine because i hid the laptop in my clothes. In the end i just run all over the base trying to find a little nook or cranny in order to stay hidden.

I do in the end, which is a little cupboard by a vent, which was 1/4 full of cleaning supplies with more than enough space to fit me comfortably inside. It wasn't even that high up, so it was pretty easy for me to get into without any help. When I got in, it was really dark, but i could still use the computer as the keys lit up.

My first priority is finding out all i can on Madame B. I couldn't do anything like this as the WiFi was connected to the Red Room router, whereas now i can disconnect form the towers WiFi and find a singular router. You wouldn't believe how many rich people have this to protect themselves. And there are many in NewYork to work with.

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