Chapter 35

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"She was the kindest person I ever knew. she might have had her own ways of showing it but she cared for everyone of us."

"She sacrificed herself in order to save my life and countless others."

"With that, I give Emma the medal of valour straight from Nick Fury."

I put the medal next to her headstone.


It was currently Emma's funeral.

We were all gathered to celebrate her life.

Fury turned up all alive in his fancy car, and I was fuming.

"You do not deserve to be here! You killed her! You got her killed!"

If Fury wasn't adamant on talking and telling her of the news in his own nasty way she would have been safe.

I got a couple of punches on him before I was dragged of him by my teammates.

We were all in black.

Wanda brought me back, as "Emma wouldn't want me to do this right now"

I just nodded and went back to my place.

As I sat down I was handed something. It was a round medal, with bravery and valour engraved on it.

Nick had given it to me.

My anger disappeared for a second as I held it to my chest and cried.

She was the bravest person I knew.

Only 17.

Too young to die.

She had so much potential.

Especially since if she didn't save me she would have noticed that someone was behind her.

I didn't hold in my emotions. I let them run freely. Emma forgave me even after everything that happened.

I wasn't the nicest at times.


Jason and Jackson went up with their dad, Steve.

As soon as everything happened Steve told everyone about how he wanted to adopt the two boys.

He found out that the two didn't have any family left and after finding out their past he was more than willing to take them in.

It was very hard to get the boys to respond to any of us after the fight as they were too worried about Emma.

I wasn't there as I wouldn't let go of Emma's body.

I could have stayed there forever but Tony talked some sense into me.

The boys were distraught after finding out what happened. Jason broke down and didn't speak to anyone for days, except to go and sit in Emma's room. He wanted to see her body, but none of us could as it was starting to rot and smell.

Jackson told us that she was his angel. I had to excuse myself after that. She really was. Even after death she was making peoples lives better.

Jackson hasn't really got a grip on what happened. He keeps asking when his sissy is going to return. No one has had the heart to tell him she won't be.

According to him she's on a long holiday on another planet that's why we can't reach her.

He's upset that she left without saying a proper goodbye to him.

We are going to have to tell him at some point.

Jason couldn't speak as he went in front of her grave.

His face was red with tears flowing.

"Emma...she was the only one.........who.

She never gave up on me. She knew I hated.......what I did and even after I left her.

She gave me and my brother.....a home. In her house and now with Steve. No one......ever had given me such kindness, or even a second look!

I didn't even get to thank her for the things she did before she died. And I have so much more from her doing even after she's gone.

I regret not trying harder to escape and fight by her side.

She saved my life, and I can never repay that"

Everyone around us was crying.

We all loved Emma. She really made a difference to our life.

"My sissy is brave and kind and she'll be back. She is in a place with a rainbow road and magic people!" Jackson said happily

Everyone laughed in pain, knowing that a child's imagination is wild.

"Emma was a genius. I knew she was and I think I was jealous. A child being as smart as me? No way. I now realise that Emma was everything that I was not. Not only did she look out for the little guys as the Menace but she was a better person than me through and through.  From looking after my son when he was down to saving a child and the rest of us in the attack. I can safely say that I loved her like my own and I am so proud of her. I hope even up where ever she is, she knows how proud we are of her" Tony cried.

He had to have Pepper help him away from the grave as he could barely walk straight.

"Um, I know I wasn't the best to Emma and I....I kept things from her but I hope wherever she might be she can forgive me. I never meant to hurt her only keep her safe.

My best friend was taken from me much too early. She had plans. She was going to be the best scientist in the world.

The um.... Menace was my hero. Knowing that it was Emma under the mask makes me infinitely proud of her.

I realise that I never needed to protect her but her me. And I need her back. I need her, she can't be gone!" Peter also cried as he hobbled away for privacy.

After other gave their talks Fury took to the stage.

"I misjudged this young women. I thought that she was selfish as she didn't take my deal. I realise that my company didn't deserve her. She sacrificed her life for us and a little boys and she will not be forgotten. Remember her sacrifice and honour her."

Everyone started to head back to the cars but I sat by her grave.

"Hey Emma. Um I know it's only been a few days but I miss you. I can't believe you did that! Why you!? It could have been me!

I hope you and your parents are reunited and are having a blast and I hope you don't forget about us.

Your forgiveness and presence even though it was short was the best gift I've ever received.

I love you Emma, remember that."

I kissed the head stone which had

Emma Holland - Evans
Daughter, Friend, Sister
Forever in our hearts
Gone too soon

With that I walked away, sobbing ready to be back to talk to her almost every day.


"I love you too Nat"


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