Chapter 17

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The time to meet Jocelyn was nearing and I was heading in the direction of a public park. I had a nanotechnology disguise which hid my features until I met with the right person as I didn't want to draw attention. In the span of 2 hours since I told the team about my plan, we had found no leads or anything associated with Hydra or the red room. And so I was really looking forward to meeting Jocelyn. 1) because she might be able give us some insight on something related to the 2 organisations and 2) I will be able to repay the debt of her saving my life I owed to her from when we escaped the red room.

When i decided to escape the red room, i wasnt successfully at first. I was unfortunately caught by 2 guards. I knew the escape wouldn't have been easy with the intense guarding of the facility, but i had, had enough of the torturous place. I was doing this mission solo, as no one talked to each other in the red room, in case you were caught. Now, it wasn't forbidden to talk...I don't think, but we got punished for the littlest things in training, so why would anyone risk talking!? And if i told anybody about my plan, in case they snitched on me to get brownie points with Madame B (which if you did would probably consist of another piece of partially stale bread with dinner. Dinner consisted of a soup which had almost every nutrient you needed, stale bread and a glass of water. Ito was disgusting, but we ate because we needed the energy and didn't want to get punished for not being able to complete training). As i was caught, i tried persuading them that i was running an errand for Madame B, but they didn't buy it. And it was forbidden to be anywhere in the base where you weren't aloud. And thats when they raised their guns ready to attack. I was prepared, this was punishment for trying to escape. I wasn't going to fight them because i would rather be dead than back in the red room. And as talented as i am in combat I don't think i can fight against 2 loaded guns already aimed at me. Even though i was an asset, i still believed they would kill me as i was replaceable, or hurt me until i was on the brink of death. Whatever was going to happen with the guards i knew wouldn't end up well. But as i anticipated being shot at and the peace that come with it by closing my eyes nothing came.

As i peeled my eyes open, the guards were slumped on the floor with blood coming out of their heads. They were attacked from a weary looking brunette. It seemed she attacked from behind them and used their own guns against them by knocking them out with the ends of the guns to not draw any attention. Smart. That's what i would have done if i had the opportunity. She stared sceptically at me, and i knew this was my chance to escape and so i took it.
" I'm trying to escape this hellhole. Want to join me? The least I can do is ask considering you saved my life!" Nat smiled sheepishly
"Yes i do. I hate this place. But this does not mean that i trust you, and as soon as we escape i will go one way and you the other. I don't ever want to see you again"
"That's fair. My name's Natalia Romanova. What's yours? I understand that you don't trust me but I don't trust you either, and i would prefer that we were on a first name basis"
"Jocelyn Holland-Evans. Now lets move, unless you want to stay here for longer and have backup guards arrive"
"Absolutely not."

And with that, we fought our way out. We drew the attention of many guards and attacked plenty- but not without getting out unscathed. We both had a couple of bullet wounds and bruises, but we knew how close we were to freedom and so our adrenaline kept the pain at bay. The hardest part was getting out of the entrance to the base. This was guarded with a key card which a big burly guard kept strapped to his keychain on his pocket. And so we hid behind a wall dividing a plan.

"Right, so I'm going to distract him and then you attack him, so we can get the keycard and get out of here. Deal!?"
"Deal, but we've got to be quick because my injuries are catching up to me"

And with that i ran out distracting him. Because which guard wouldn't be surprised of an agent this close to the entrance without an escort? The answer is none of them. He caught on immediately and tried calling for backup into his walkie talkie whilst also aiming his pistol at me. At this moment Jocelyn attacked him from behind but he managed to kick her away, and so i attacked. I first knocked his leg from under him, and whilst he was on his knees i knocked him in the head. He was knocked out when we got the key card. We were both surprised at how easy the last guard was to take down was as the other guards inflicted much worse on us. But then again i doubt anyone expected us to get this far.

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