Chapter 24

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a/n- please read to the end for a surprise


I saw my life flash before my eyes. But i think there was some peace in the concept. There would be no one else to burden. No one else to fail. Now I'm not saying that I'm suicidal I'm just saying that if i was ever in a life threatening situation I don't think I'd be begging for my life. I don;t know if i would move out of the way even with my powers. Sure, vigilantism is great. It's given me so many new friends and family. Yet, the guilt of not being able to save everyone is too heavy. I've lost too many people. Ive lost my whole family except Aunt May. She's been on a 3 month cruise for the past 2 months; courtesy of mr Stark himself. My whole life and purpose of vigilantism is to protect the public and the ones i love, but its hard sometimes. I mean when I'm out being Spider man i kinda forget about everything except trying to save as many people as i can, but when I'm by myself, that's when i start to get anxious.

As much as i would love to find peace and leave my guilt behind i know that it's not possible. That's life. I decided to put myself in this situation,and so i must deal with the consequences. I can't save everyone. I can't be brave all the time. I don't know how much fight i have in me, but if these were my last moments, i would sure as hell fight for my family, and even Emma. Even at this moment i cannot be mad at her. Everyone has their reasons and pent up anger. Everyone has been wronged in their live. It's undeniable. Everyone has the power to be angry, some more than others, yet under the right circumstances anyone can kill. I can't not fight. I have people i need to say goodbye to, i can't leave them like this. I don't think i could full stop, which does help me in some situations now and again.

As i wait for the impact of the bullet to hit me from Emma's gun, i feel nothing. There is no hit.

Mr Rogers managed to sidetrack the bullet just enough to miss me. But that doesn't mean the bullet didnt meet a target

I swivel my head to behind me to see Emma's mom. Sure i didnt get the best vibe from her but that didn't justify for her to get hurt. I could tell from here that it's bad . The bullet seemed to have hit her heart. I know i should be over there to help her but i can't move. I'm frozen in fear. It scares me to see how quickly life can change. It takes me a minute to realise where i am. I don't know why i froze but in that minute, the chaos we were once in has turned considerably worse, which i didn't think was possible.

Emma was on the floor, unconscious with Nat and Wanda, whilst the rest were checking on Emma's mom. From what i saw she didn't look too good. I didn't really want to interfere with them as they had equipment such as defibrillators by their sides, so i crawled over to Emma.

Her face was banged up quite a bit. She didn't look too good, compared to when i last saw her. She's changed so much. And the worst thing is, she went into whatever happened hating me. She was the light to my soul when we were best friends. As i was Spider man, the things i saw at such a young age, did mess with me quite a bit. It took a toll on me mentally. I deal with it better now, but Emma just by being herself helped me through that dark time. I don't think i would have survived without her, yet i can't seem to. say the same for her. She seemed to have come out of whatever experience she went through stronger. Sure she may be skinnier than she was, but it was pure muscle, and the fact she had no fear, as her team mate left shows that she's much more independent. Maybe no room for any new or past friendships? My Emma might not need me anymore, but i need her. I've needed her ever since i left to protect her. One thing I'm sure about is that she sure as hell wont want to spend any time around me.

I think I'm also very scared because she was really confused when we talked. As if she couldn't remember things,a don't he things she could were only the bad things.

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