Chapter 5

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"AAAAHHHHHH! There's lighting physically coming out of me!" I shrieked. I knew that this stuff was coming out of me because even at 6 am the sun was shining brightly! "What am i going to do...i mean i don't even know what this is or how to control it from coming out of me!" I decided that i needed to think about how i attained these weird lighting bolts, and then it occurred to me......i was hit with those criminals laser guns!

Right, so i had figured out how i attained theses powers, but how am I supposed to control them. I mean, i am in high school! I can't just go around zapping people randomly, but i do need to go to school, because if i don't they'll notify my Mum, and funnily enough, she always manages to see these messages whilst being crazy busy, and seeing that I missed it a couple of times (i was ill, but because my mum wasn't home she didn't know and then didn't believe me as i was always ok when she checked on me the next morning. And she is quite strict and worried about how well i do in school as well) so skipping school today isn't an option.

I then decided that after school, i was going to go into my basement and try and see what i could do with these powers and how to control them. But for the time being i need to get ready, and keep my head down more than usual so i don't have a random outburst like i just did. I decided to skip a shower, because i don't think that these powers i have that look very much like lightning want to mix with water. But i am just presuming this, because i don't want to take any chances and electrocute myself to death!

I ate my breakfast (cheerios) and because i was hesitant to touch anything, i decided to read for the next 45 minutes. Just as i was getting to a good part in my book, the bus rolled up in front of my house. I quickly grabbed my bag and made my way to the bus.

But today, i didn't greet Jeremy, I instead had my hood up and looked down whilst i went to the back of the bus. A pro of having my head down, was that i could see Liz put her foot out, so i gracefully jumped over it. I didn't care that this might make more trouble between me and her, but i was too scared of myself right now. I mean as much as I would like to use my powers on her i don't want everyone finding out about these new powers i have. They might think of me as a freak, and send me somewhere.

As i sat down, i felt as if everyone was looking at me, so sceptically, i looked up but weirdly no one was. I must be going MAD! The rest of the bus ride went very slow as i was always checking to see if someone was looking at me. We then arrived at school and i stayed behind, obviously not wanting any attention. As i walked to the front of the bus behind everyone, Jeremy questioned me "Emma, are you ok? You seem kind of out of it today?" I replied without looking up and with the best fake enthusiasm i could put on "Yes, thank you Jeremy i just didn't get a lot of sleep last night, so i am very groggy! I will see you tomorrow! He obviously believed me because as soon as I walked off he closed the bus' doors and drove away.

As i walked into the he school premises I received a blow from Liz to my gut. Now this boost my mood a little bit, because Liz is super weak, but to keep up my facade i cuddled my stomach whilst wincing in pain, and being the dumb person she is, she believed it and laughed with her friends and walked off. As they were out of sight i chuckled to myself and took of my hood as my mood had lightened a little bit!

My first class was Mathematics taught by Mr B. Sarne. One thing I realised about the majority of the new teacher in the school is that they were 1) under qualified or not qualified at all and 2) had really weird names. Nevertheless i took my seat in the middle of the class (i know shocker, I'm not in the back for once). I love this class not because of the mathematics (which i have obviously learnt. I'm applying to Harvard for goodness sake!) but because this teacher is as clueless as my History teacher. He doesn't seem to know how to use anything! Not the digital whiteboard or his computer and i find this hilarious. In all fairness it makes my day! So having had the bad morning i had i could not wait for him to start attempting to teach!

After our teacher had taken the register, he was about to start teaching when the there was an announcement on the P.A. "Will Emma Holland-Evans please report to the principles office, please". It took my mind a minute to register that i had just been called to the principles office. I was internally panicking, did they find out that I'm The Menace and that i have these powers. I was so scared and to make matters worse Liz shouted across the classroom "oooooohhhhh, i guess the goody-two shoes nerd finally did something bad! I bet she did something really really bad!" Everyone then turned to look at me and said "oooohhhhhh". This did not help!

As i walked out the class i looked back to see my teacher and Peter looking at me as if they knew exactly what was going to happen!

I walked down the silent halls trying to waste my time so i didn't have to go to the principles office, but it didn't work as i found myself outside of the office door. I hesitated to knock as i thought that i was in big trouble. Hesitantly I knocked, and instead of my vice-principal opening the door it was the same woman who still wore that weird uniform when they did the assault course in the sports hall just yesterday! This made even more scared, which i didn't know was possible!

"Please take a seat in the principles office" i nodded too afraid to talk and made my way to the empty chair in the middle of the office. As i sat down, i saw the same people that were in the sports hall sitting in the office. Ok, what on earth is happening! My thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

"Hello Emma, I am Nick Fury. I am the leader of secret organisation called S.H.I.E.L.D. This stands for Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement Logistics Division and this is one of my best agents. Her name is Agent Hill (he points to the lady in the weird uniform. And these people are Natasha Romanoff and Tony Stark (he pointed to the other male and woman in the room). They are the Black Widow and Iron man" as i looked at the two people, internally i was screaming because i hate these people with my life, and from what I've read Mr Stark hates it when he doesn't get any attention, and because of how he treated me in the sports hall yesterday and didn't want to help my dad I decided not to give him any. "Okay, so?" I replied. I managed to get under Mr Stark's skin as he looked furious. I found it hilarious but the Fury guy continued to talk. "Well, the physical courses that took place in the sports hall yesterday were actually a test to see if there were any possible S.H.I.EL.D. recruits, and it seems that you have a better completion time than most adult S.H.I.E.L.D agents. So i guess what I'm asking is...would you be interested in joining S.H.I.E.L.D?

I was shocked, i mean they want me...Emma Holland-Evans a 16 year old to become a agent. I was about to answer "absolutely" but i soon realised that if I did join they would undoubtedly find out about me being The Menace and I couldn't risk that for my mum, and plus I want to get into Harvard so it's no use being an agent. And due to my hatred with these people, I don't think i could work with them. But i now know the identity of 2 avengers, which i can use to my advantage at a later date

"Well, what do you say!?" Natasha questioned, so i replied "As much as i am thankfull for this opportunity, i will have to politely decline".

And with that i stood up and walked out of the office leaving the 4 people in the room with their mouth's gaping open and went back to trudging through the halls, happy that i still have a chance to get into my dream school and that they don't know about my powers

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