Chapter 4

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My alarm suddenly rang out. I hated that sound! But i do love saving my city, so i don't mind waking up for it. I suited up, which consists of this

 I suited up, which consists of this

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With these weapons

I climb through my window so i can get to the high ground on the roof tops

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I climb through my window so i can get to the high ground on the roof tops. I immediately took out a police walkie talkie that i may or may not have stole from a police officer last week. But, hey at least I'm helping people!

As i was running across the rooftops of some buildings in queens the walkie talkie crackled. I stopped in my tracks and lifted it to my ear into which i could hear a faint "We have a suspected armed robbery of the metro bank..*crackle* in Queens. We need immediate back up as we are still 5 minutes away".
Well, these people should have been more specific, i mean they didn't specify what kind of back up they needed so i guess i count as back up! Lucky me!

I grappled my way to the bank and was there within 30 seconds, fortunately I was relatively close to the bank. As i arrived, i saw the robbers using weapons that were glowing and were literally disintegrate the ATM covers. For the first time in years i was terrified of intervening with a robbery but i soon realised that they could really hurt the public if i dint stop them. So I pushed my fears to the back of my mind and went in to the bank in attempt to stop these people.

"Hey, why don't you get a job and earn your money like everyone else does!" I shouted at the trio. They all turned their heads at me, but unlike a usual robbery they carried on grabbing money from the vaults and ATM's. "Look, just put the weapons down and surrender !" I once again shouted at them. One guy seemed to have enough of me talking, so he attempted to blast me. This obviously didn't work as i have insane reflexes, so he continued to shoot me. He soon realised that it wasn't working and that i was approaching him with a sword so he called out for his friend "Uh, James i need a little bit of help over here!"

His other friend soon started shooting at me and because i am human I couldn't avoid 2 of them so i managed to get hit!

I was knocked by the blue beam from the weird gun and into the bank wall, i could barely see anything at this point, so i was ready to pass out, but of course this didn't happen. All i saw before before my eyes went almost completely dark was a blue and red blur. This thing managed to take out the whole trio in about 15 seconds! But before i could let my jealousy overcome me, this thing picked me up and started flying. Now this sensation made me render fully conscious, so being the normal being i am, i screamed and squirmed so the thing that was carrying me helped me land safely on a roof top.

After about 30 seconds of getting my breath back and dealing with the pain in my chest from the attack i got up to search for the thing, until i spotted it. Now me being the dumb thing i am, didn't realise that this was the one and only Spider-Man!

Inside i was fan girling, but i knew i needed to keep my facade up or i would be suspicious.

"Are you ok!? I mean i know that you're the Menace that has taken down the majority of villains and criminals in this city, but you seemed kind of hurt and out of it back there in he bank"

*internally: okay stay calm, Spider-Man is aware of you and what you've done, just act casual. "Yes i..i am thank you. I guess i was just out of it today. But thank you again!" And before he could even respond i was grappling away into the shadows. As i was grappling away i could still the the Avenger on the roof. I decided to use this to my advantage and head straight home, so he wouldn't get another to corner me and find out my identity.

Was i sceptical about spider man not coming after me? Yes. Was i worried? Yes, but then again he is an Avengers so he must have had something better to do than talking to me.

I soon arrived home so i decided to calm my nerves and pain by going to sleep hoping that i would be okay in the morning. Mentally and physically! Before i closed my eyes though, my mind was racing with thoughts "how did i not disintegrate?" "Will i die later from the blast?" I decided that i was too tired and scared to think about this now, so i let my eyes rest.                    

Spider-Man/Peter Parker POV

As soon as i asked The Menace (which i am a huge fan of by the way) if they were ok, they started answering really quickly and before i could respond, were gone. Now my first instinct was to go after them, but as i was about to, Mr Stark's voice came through in my suit saying that they needed help because some of the police officers had been severely hurt, so i headed back in the bank's direction. But man, i was so close to having a proper talk with The Menace and maybe finding out their identity!

Emma's POV
*beep, beEP, BEEP*

It was now 6:00 am, because my alarm was ringing. Now my chest was in agony but i couldn't raise suspicion about this so i decided to just push through it and get on with my day (school). First thing to do is turning my alarm off. I proceeded to sit up and reach out for the alarm's off button, when a blue spark that was resembled very much like lightning hit the alarm. The alarm shattered into thousands of pieces whilst in was in awe, and about to cry wondering what's happened to me!


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