Chapter 13

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Around 1:30pm, we had soup for lunch, and I'm super thankful for having the day off because i became a little more drowsy as the day progressed. Around 4pm, me and my mom finished our movie marathon, and so she left to go make dinner, whilst i wanted to try and hack the teachers again. Honestly these teachers are getting on my nerves with their secrets and tying students to tables and all! But, my mom said that she also has tomorrow off from work, and so if I'm not feeling better i can stay off! Is it suspicious that she coincidentally has 2 days off when i most need it, yeah but it just shows that she cares for me, and is actually here for me despite me not believing that for a lot of my life. And so, as I went upstairs to snuggle in the comfort of my bed knowing my mom was with me, and not out in public with people trying to chase her, i could feel my eyes wanting to close. And so i snuggled into my bed, got my laptop out and started to find out who my teachers were, when i heard someone knocking at our front door. Who could possibly be here? Are those people from yesterday here!? I need to get to my mom to see who it is and if she's ok. But as i proceeded to get up the sound of everything that followed seemed to fade away from me. My eyes were closing and I couldn't do anything to stop them from doing so. Whilst i was half standing, i saw blurry figures coming into my room, but from that point on there was only darkness, with no sound. My last thought was worrying about my mom if she's ok.
The avengers had noticed how guilty Nat felt at breakfast, and so they hoped that Emma was ok and in school. They understood that she could be a threat but that she was still only a child. It's fair to say they were very worried but they tried not to show it. Wanda, Steve, Nat and Bruce were the most worried. Wanda had made a bond with Emma, and she enjoyed spending time helping her. Bruce understood how she got picked on in school, and although he tried to stop it it ultimately did nothing. But he liked the kid, and was blown away by how smart she was. He hoped they could work together in the future with S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve was worried because although she may be a threat she hasn't actually done anything bad..yet. And so she was innocent, so why did she have to get attacked? Nat was feeling guilty, and she never felt guilty for anything. As school progressed everyone gradually got more concerned when Emma didn't turn up. They all had the same idea to discuss it at the after school meeting. But, that didn't go to plan, because when everyone except Nat entered Nick looked well like Nick but he was in a serious mood. He raised the concern about Emma, and that he had other agents on it, and that Hydra was back on their radar. Apparently a hydra base that was dormant became active.
It's currently the end of school, and there hasn't been a sign of Emma. Normally, I wouldn't be too worried about a student or in this case a possible threat, because we can track them down but Emma could be seriously hurt or worse, and it would be my fault and we have no way to find out if she is ok. And so I'd decided to head to the staff room and discuss with everyone about what we should do.
When i walked in, everyone was there already and i could tell that they were definitely feeling worried. I mean, one she is a threat that's we need to keep an eye on and we don't. know where she is, two, she's a child and last we saw she didnt look as if she was in a great position. As i headed to my empty seat i could feel the gaze of a couple of people on me, but i kept my face blank. I was about to bring up my concerned about Emma and our mission, when Nick started talking about a local hydra base that was supposedly active. And thats when i snapped "Why the hell are we bringing this up! We have a child that could be a possible threat that was attacked last night. Now she may be a possible threat but she is only 16!".
Tony-"Well Romanoff, if you came on time, you would know that there are agents already on Emma's case so we can deal with Hydra. Because in all honesty, i ma more scared of Hydra than a teenage girl. I mean sure she might tell people about us but she has no friends so who cares, whereas if hydra has our details then we are screwed! And so, if you stop feeling guilty about what happened to Emma, get your head in the game stop we can stop hydra!"
As i looked around, everyone looked shocked so i shouted back "i do not feel guilty! I am worried for her well-being that's all!"
And tony replied with "So what, that feeling in your chest and stomach just came on for no reason? You're telling me that you don't have those feelings? Because that's what guilt feels like!" After hearing those words i realised that this i was guilty. I was the one who was too harsh on Emma, I'm the reason i made her cry, and that lead to her getting attacked. Ok, so i was guilty but why do i feel like this now? I've never felt guilty before. And i now a chance to prove myself. After staring Tony down i sat down ignoring the glances from the others and listened to the mission briefing. I was going to prove myself on this mission,and show them that i do not feel guilty. And I never will.
For the mission, we are supposed to spy on the baser to see how active it is. If there are any agents there we are instructed to take them out, and I couldn't wait!
When my eyes peeled open, from what seemed to be the longest sleep of my life, i could barely see anything. It took me around 5 minutes to open my eyes fully and see where i was. I was in a white room, with a massive mirror in front of me. Where the actual hell was i? I attempted to look around the room to try and figure out where i was, but I couldn't. My hands where tied behind my back, onto the chair, and so were my legs. I attempted to try and wriggle out of them because i was absolutely terrified. I attempted to use my powers but there wasn't anything to use them on. Also my nerves weren't helping them work either! Where even am i? Also what is up with me getting tired to things? But in the midst of my worried state, i realised that i don't know what happened to my mom. Did the same people who have taken me taken her? Is she ok? Have I been taken by those people who chased me yesterday? Also why is this room so clean, it's creepy. But my thoughts were broken when this thin, tall pale looking lady with he tightest bun I've ever seen walks in. I try and give her a death stare and keep composure but she just smiles and sits down opposite me. I'm pretty sure she knew what i was going to scream at her wondering where i am and where my mother is and so she started talking.
"My name is Madame B and that is what you will refer to me as" but i cut her off before she could finish
"No way in hell will i do that! I just want to go home, with my mom. I don't even know why you brought me here! And there's no way I'm staying!"
"Well, you are in no position to do that now are you? You are currently tied to a chair, are you not? Also you managed to take out some of my best students and so you will be a great asset".
What the hell is this lady talking about? An asset for what? But she saw my confused face and thankfully decided to explain what was going on.
"I know you're confused, and so i will explain it to you. This organisation is called the Red Room. We also team up with Hydra on occasions, we have the same goal of ridding the dangers to our community. Your mom was a former student, and she was on the road to becoming one of the best, and so can you if you decide to join us. In the time your mom escaped we lost track of her because we had bigger problems to deal with. And so when your father passed away she came back on our radar, and that was very beneficial for us because we found out she had you. So we kept tabs on you and found out that you spend your nights in the city as the vigilante, The Menace. We train our students to take out dangers quickly and efficiently, and because you already have experience fighting you will be a great asset. And so, we drugged your food supply, so no matter what you ate the outcome would be the same. You coming to us."
I was super confused because i don't want to be here. They can't force me! "Why did you have to drug us! What if i don't want to join?"
She just smiled and continued "Your mother is also here and she doesn't necessarily benefit us the way you do,and so if you don't join us we will kill your mom and force you to join. It's an easy decision, but i just want you to be aware that you will join us eventually and if you make us force you the outcome will ultimately be worse. I'll give you some time to think about it" and with that she walked out, whilst locking the door behind her.
Okay, right so am i traumatised? Yes, yes i am. But there's no way in hell my mum is dying on my watch! She obviously escaped these people and their organisation for a reason, and so it's dangerous. But, that lady didn't mention anything about my powers, so if i accept her offer and save my mom then i can get myself out as well. But in order to do that, i can't escape as soon as i walk out of these doors. I will need to keep them hidden and give the lady a false sense of trust. It can't be too bad though, can it? I mean i fight almost every day!
After around 10 minutes the lady came back in again and asked what my decision was and so i stared and stated
"I'll join" and with that 3 guards came in. No chance of escaping now. They untied me and took me out of the room.
Emma's mom was told of what happened to Emma and what she decided to do by Madame B, who couldn't help but smile whilst telling her. She had despised her since she ran away. Her and Natasha were destined for greatness and they denied themselves it. She also wasted her hard work; something she would make sure Emma wouldn't waste. Instead of Emma's mom having to stay, she was drugged again and taken back to America, so she couldn't take Emma or destroy the organisation from inside. Madame B also did this because she knew that having her child taken away from her, and her being alone would hurt her much more than she could.

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