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{Back to the past after the Kanto incident}

{Y/n's pov}

It's already been 1 month and I'm still stuck at this hospital. I wanna go home already. Why do I have to stay here for this long? Kakucho and Emma have already gone home.

"Y/n what are you thinking about?" I turn around and saw Rindo. "Is something wrong? You're making a really ugly face right now."

"Wahh so mean." I said as sat on my bed and look at him. "I was thinking about when will I get to go home. I wanna go back home and eat some rice balls while watching tv."

"You can do that here too, you know." He said as he look at the tv in my hospital room. "And I brought you some rice balls too." He said showing me a bag of rice balls.

"Rice balls," I said happily as I jump off the bed and run to him. I grab the bag and open it. "Ooh, you also brought mochi, my favorite. " I pick up the mochi and start to eat. "Ahh, it's so yummy."

"Y/n, don't just start to eat." Rindo said as he grab the bag and put it on the table. "You have a visitor." He look at me and smiles.

"Who?" I ask looking at him confused.

"You wait, I'll tell him to go come in." He said before leaving. After he left someone walks in.

"Yo, Y/n sama."

"Mikey," I said smiling at him.

"How are you now?" He asks as he walks towards me and sat on the seat next to my bed.

"I'm totally fine... but they still won't let me go home." I said sadly.

"And your ear? Is your ear alright?" He asks as he look at my left ears.

"Yeah, it's alright." I said touching my ear.

"Y/n, I'm sorry because of my carelessness. You had to go through this. If only I didn't tell Emma to leave nothing like this would have happened." He said looking down.

"Mikey it's alright, really. After my surgery, everything was back to normal." I said smiling.

"But you still can't hear anything from your left ear."

"Mikey, It's fine even if I can't hear from my left ear cause I still have my right ear remember." I said as I grab his hand.

At the time when I saved Emma and took the hit. That motherfucker Kisaki hit my left ear. And now my left ear was all messed up and because of that, I can't hear a thing from my left ear. I had to do two surgery for my ear only. And even after the surgery I still can't hear anything but I can hear from my right so everything is fine but this guy. He always come here and say sorry to me even tho it's not his fault. I told him it's not his fault so stop saying sorry but he won't stop. At this point, I don't know what to do now. He always come here exactly at 4 pm with some fruits and chocolates and say sorry.

"Mikey stop saying sorry, okay? I told you it's not your fault for the past few weeks and still say sorry." I said looking at him. "I'm fine now. So, what I can't hear from my left ear? I still have my right ear with me." I smile at him.

"Mhmm okay, if you say so." He said looking away.

"You say this now and tomorrow you'll come back at the same time and start saying the things you said today." I said as I roll my eyes. "Hey, Mikey look at me." He look at me. "I'm fine now, okay? Don't worry about me too much." I smiled.

"Yes, okay." He said as he start at me. He looked happy but he also look sad at the same time.

When Mikey first come to visit me and find out about my ear he looked like he was about to cry. After that, We talk to each other. He was a nice guy, tho he always like to mess with me. He also told me about my past and how I was like when I was a kid.

"Mikey... I'm sorry. I can't remember anything about our childhood. I tried to remember but I  still can't remember anything." I said looking down at my hands. "But you know when you first come to visit me at the hospital and you told me about our childhood. I was really happy. I was wow we did a lot of fun things together. Haha, that day all we did was you talking about our childhood and I  was just listening." I chuckle.

It's alright even if you can't remember." He said as he smile at me. "Cause we can't make more memories now since we became friends. And now that you're brother's girlfriend you can always come to our house anytime and we all can hang out."

"Yeah..." I said still looking down then I remember something and quickly lookup. I get off of the bed and went to the table where Rindo put the bag of a rice balls. "I saw some dorayaki here before you come." I look inside the bag. "Ohh look I find it," I said as I show him the Dorayaki. His eyes starts to sparkle when he saw the dorayaki.  "There you go." I hand them to him.

"Thank you so much, Y/n chan." He said smiling looking at the dorayaki.

After that, we just sat there while eating and talking, and after some time Izana come back.

"Izana," I said when I saw him walking into the room. I quickly spared my arm as he walks towards me and hug me.

"I missed you so much." He said as he bury his face in my neck.

"Izana, it's only been 5 hours-..."

"Still I missed you." He cut me off as he hugs me even tight.

"You guys, I'm still here."

We both turn towards Mikey and smiles awkwardly.


"I'm gonna go now. I have to go to the gang meeting in few minutes." Mikkey said as he get up from his chair and starts to walk.

"Okay be careful...." Izana said looking at him as he blush a little.

"I'll be, now then bye-bye" He said waving his hand.

"Bye-bye." I said as I back at him. Then I look back at Izana. "You're blushing." I said jokingly.

"No, I'm not." He said looking away from me as he blush even harder.

"Aww, look at my baby. He is such a cutie." I said while grabbing his face making him look at me.

{End of Y/n's pov.}

While Y/n and Izana were just messing around. Mikey look at them from the door and smile.

"Well, I'm glad they are happy together." He said before leaving.

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