In the Air - Louis x Y/n

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It was a cold Tuesday and One Direction were traveling from Singapore to Japan. Paul was leading the boys through the airport while they tried to avoid fans. Niall and Harry were running through the airport playing tiggy, Liam and Y/n were trying to stop them from running off and Zayn and Louis were just trying to keep their heads down.

When they arrived at their terminal for the private plane everyone collapsed into the chairs and waited for boarding. It was only going to be the boys, Y/n, Paul, Paddy and Preston instead of the full entourage. The rest of the crew such as the band, other members of security, the hair and makeup team as well as tour management had either already flown out or were leaving later today and tomorrow.

"Alright everyone, I've just been told that we're boarding in ten minutes. Which means if you need to go to the toilet, go now." Paul announced them all.

"I'll be back, I'm going to head to the toilet." Y/n told Louis as she kissed him on the cheek.

When they boarded the plane everyone in the group spread themselves out across the plane. Paul, Paddy and Preston sat together near the front of the plane while the boys and Y/n ventured to the back. Niall, Louis, Liam and Y/n sat in the middle set of chairs on the plane.

There were two pairs of chairs facing another two pairs of chairs with a small fold out table between them. Y/n and Louis sat next to each other facing the cockpit and Liam and Niall sat across from them facing the back of the plane.

Harry and Zayn took two seats at the very back of the plane, diagonal from where their four friends were sitting.

Louis grabbed Y/n's hand as they took off into the air. Once the plane had completed it's take off Louis pulled out his earphones and passed one of them to his girlfriend. Plugging them into his phone Louis pressed play on his travel playlist. The two of them so tired from their early start to the day the couple fell asleep.


When Louis woke up again it was 2:00 am American time and he had a funny feeling brewing from within him. It wasn't an emotional feeling but a physical sickness. Louis couldn't put his finger on it until a wave of nausea washed over him.

Jumping up from his seat he ran to the plane's toilet trying not to wake up anyone else. Falling to his knees Louis hunched over the toilet and began violently throwing up. Everything Louis had eaten in the past 24 hours was now reappearing into the toilet bowl.

"Oh Lou." Y/n sighed as she stood in the doorway of the toilet.

Louis lifted his head from the toilet bowl and looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend. He was pale and there were beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Y/n walked into the space and knelt down beside him rubbing slow circles on his lower back in an attempt to help him throw up.

"Y/n," Louis whimpered.

"Shh, I know." Y/n cooed before Louis was lurching into the toilet again.

When Louis was finally able to stop throwing up he lent back into Y/n hiding his face in the crook of her neck. Y/n pushed her partner's hair out of his face. She continued to brush her hand through Louis' sweaty hair while he caught his breath.

"Do you think you've finished?" Y/n whispered into her boyfriend's ear.

Louis nodded his head 'yes' and looked up into his girlfriend's eyes. His eyes were full of pain and sadness. Y/n could tell that he was truly sick and in pain. She smiled at him sympathetically before she helped him up from the floor.

Supporting his weight Y/n walked Louis back to their seats on the plane. Although they tried their best not to wake up anyone they accidentally woke up both Liam and Zayn.

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