In The Cold - Harry

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This is a request chapter for the lovely @Beckyxx06 who requested a Harry sickfic where him and the other four members of One Direction are in college and come home on a Friday afternoon. It's a cold snowy day and Harry is the only one ho doesn't have a coat and as a result ends up getting sick. So the boys, Anne and Gemma take care of Harry over the weekend and when he returned back to school.

Hope everybody enjoys and that this fills the request.


Just a little bit of information that you may need.

Harry = 16

Louis = 18

Liam, Zayn and Niall = 17

The boys are in their final year of high school. There will be a second part to this story.


Ten more minutes. All it took was ten more minutes and then I was outta here. Ten more minutes and then I wouldn't have to look at another math question until Monday. 

This Friday was better than most because tonight the boys were coming round to my place and we planned to watch movies while they spent the night. We had spent almost all of lunch talking about which movie we we're going to watch. To say we were all excited was an understatement. 

Tonight was a chance for the five of us to leave the stress of school behind and not have to worry about teachers yelling in our faces about homework and passing exams and talking about our futures. It was our last year of school and more than anything we just wanted to have some fun.

"Louis Tomlinson sit back down now!" A red faced math teacher scolded Louis.

Louis was drawing pictures on the whiteboard. Mostly of his teachers making them look stupid and our math teacher Mr Hendricks was not happy about it. Particularly when he took notice of Louis drawing his own face onto the board.

"Hold on one second sir.... just making some finishing touches." Louis concentrated.

"Now Louis!" Mr Hendricks was losing his patients.

"And done!" Louis announced stepping back to look at his artwork.

He really had done a good job of the drawing. It looked exactly what Mr Hendricks would look like if he was a cartoon... and a villain. 

"Whatcha think sir? I think it looks exactly like you." Louis snickered looking between the board and sir.

The class were trying there best to keep in their laughter but most of us were failing hopelessly. Mr Hendricks was furious and his face was becoming redder by the second. 

"Louis you have less then five seconds to get back to your seat before your staying after school for a detention." 

Not wanting to miss out on tonight Louis rushed back to his seat acting as if nothing had happened and he was a perfect angel and the golden child of the class.

"Moving on to question twelve." Our teacher sighed.

Everyone quickly focused their attention back to their work book and to the questions displayed on the board.

"Harry can you please give me the answer to question twelve please." 

"Umm, 36." I spoke up from the back of the classroom.


Then the bell rang loud and clear through the speakers signaling the end of class and the school day. Finally it was time to get out of here. Everyone hurried to pack away their things and pack their bags before heading to exit the classroom.

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