Unusual - Niall

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Today the band One Direction had a massive photo shoot. The photo shoot was for their next album cover, so it was crucial that all five boys were in attendance.

Niall, the 'baby' of the band, was asleep. The other four boys however were downstairs in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast.

"Jesus, it's 9:40 and Niall is still asleep. How come he's allowed to sleep and not me?" Complained a tired Zayn.

Zayn has never really been a morning person. He only ever woke up this earl when it was important or if he had thing to do.

"Because he's usually one of the first one of us awake. So if he's still asleep he's either really tired, didn't sleep last night or somethings wrong." Harry defended his mate.

"Zayn is right though. It's 9:40 and we have to leave here by 10:15." Liam spoke as he made his way to the stairs.

When Liam entered the Irish boy's room he was met with the sounds of congested snores. Immediately Liam knew that this wasn't a good sign. Niall was still fast asleep and his snores were heavily congested which led Liam to believe that he may be sick.

As the unofficial dad of the group tiptoed towards the mound of blankets on the bed, that was Niall, he knew he had to wake up his friend.

"Niall, bud? It's time to wake up." Liam cooed softly as he gently shook him awake with a single hand.

"Mmph." The sleeping boy groaned.

"Come one mate. We have a photo shoot today, remember? You need to get ready." Liam softly spoke.

"I don't wanna." Whined Niall in response.

His behavior was odd. Niall is One Direction's number one fan, so whenever a task was mentioned he would leap out of bed. But today this wasn't the case. It was strange how babyish he was being. Yes, the blonde was always like the baby of the group, but he didn't sulk and whinge like he was this morning. After all Niall was an adult, he was just slightly more naive compared to the others.

Liam pulled back the bed covers ever so slightly giving him access to Niall's face. He placed the back of him hand against his forehead.

"Bloody hell." Liam muttered under his breath.

Niall was definitely warmer than what he should be, even under his pile of blankets.

"Niall? Are you feeling okay?" Liam cautioned.

"No! I feel awful." Was Niall's sniffled response.

"Okay, just hang on I'll be back in a minute."

"Li, I don't wanna do the photo shoot today." Niall sulked to Liam grabbing his hand to stop him from leaving.

"I know bud. I'm gonna see what I can do about that for you." Liam sympathized.

Liam rushed out of the room and down the stairs to speak to the other boys.

"Well? Where's Niall?" Louis questioned upon seeing Liam enter the kitchen without Niall.

"He's upstairs. Guy's I think he's sick."

"What!" Harry, Zayn and Louis all exclaimed in sync.

"He's congested and very warm. He also said he feels awful. I'm gonna grab the thermometer and take it upstairs. Zayn can you call Paul and tell him Niall's sick, we're gonna have to cancel the shoot today." Liam sighed as he rummaged through the medicine cabinet looking for the thermometer.

"Of course." Zayn complied, stepping into the lounge room to make the call to Paul.


Harry and Louis stood at the end of Niall's bed while Liam too the boys temperature.

"37.8℃." Liam huffed at Niall's temperature.

It wasn't a high fever but it was definitely a fever. There was no denying Niall was sick.

"Shit." Swore Louis.

Niall just whimpered from his spot in bed.

"What's wrong Niall?" Harry asked softly, hoping to get a list of symptoms which luckily he got.

"My throat is sore, my head aches and my nose is blocked." Complained Niall.


"Well, he's definitely sick, there's no denying that." Sighed Zayn.

The four boys stood outside Niall's closed door discussing their friend's poor health.

"What do we do now?" Asked Louis, slightly unsure of what to do next.

They no longer had a photo shoot but now had a sick band member to take care of. Though they doubted that having all four of them in Niall's room at once trying to sooth him would help with his headache.

"We take it in turns watching him. We sit by his side, let him rest and give him medication when we can. He doesn't seem to be ridiculously sick, so a good amount of rest should be all that he needs." Liam answered.


The boys rotated in sitting by their sick friend's side as he slept. Niall was given medication when needed and slept through the next two days. It didn't take long for Niall to recover and then the boys were in the studio doing their photo shoot.   

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