In the Cold - (Part 2)

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Liam's POV

Zayn and I were stood in the kitchen with Niall while he maneuvered is way around the kitchen looking for ingredients to cook with.

"He's sick." Zayn blurted out in panic.

"Clearly, why else would I be cooking soup when I could be eating pizza." Niall scoffed.

He was always so sassy when the subject of matter involved food and his snarky comments always brought a smile to my face.

"Hi boys, ooh Niall what delicious food are you cooking?" Anne gestured to the ingredients spread out across the kitchen bench.

"Chicken noodle soup, we decided we would have that instead of pizza tonight." Niall stated matter of factly with a proud smile on his face.

"Soup? Instead of pizza? Are you boys feeling alright?" Anne giggled.

We all looked at each other guiltily. She was going to find out sooner or later and she was Harry's mum so it was important that she knew.

"We're fine Anne, really." I smiled shyly.

"But...?" Anne cued for us to continue sensing there was a piece of information she was missing.

"It's Harry." I admitted.


"He forgot his winter jacket today Anne and he walked home in the snow without one." Zayn explained.

"Of course he did." She sighed.

"I told him it was going to snow today and he promised me he took his jacket! Honestly that young man is going to drive me in insane." Anne emphasized before playfully rolling her eyes.

We let out a laugh before Gemma came into the room in a rush. She looked slightly flustered and was clearly trying to hide her panic.

"He just sneezed seven times! Not to mention his horrendous coughing fir!" Gemma exclaimed is distress.

"Told you he's sick!" Zayn turned to me throwing his arms in the air.

"We know Zayn." Niall rolled his eyes again.

"Does he know he's sick or is he oblivious?" Anne asked Gemma trying to gather information.

"Oblivious. Definitely oblivious." Gemma answered.

"Well then grab some more blankets from the linen cupboard will you Gemma? We need to keep a close eye on him and the second he says he doesn't feel well we take over. I'm going to help Niall with the soup, try and keep Harry distracted." Anne gave out her instructions.

Gemma disappeared, presumably to go and get the extra blankets. Niall showed Anne how to prepare some of the ingredients he needed for the soup and the two of them dove into the recipe. Zayn and I left back to the living room where we found Louis keeping Harry distracted and making him laugh.

"Hey Haz, Niall just started on cooking dinner with Anne. How about we watch another movie while we wait?" Zayn suggested, filling Harry in.

"Umm, how about we head up to my room instead. We could get started on some homework or play PlayStation?" Harry offered and we took him up on it.


It was a while before dinner was finally ready but by the time it was Harry's symptoms were progressing and I was beginning to worry. He's nose was extremely runny, causing him to sniffle every few seconds. Not to mention his coughing fits. The coughs were harsh and wheezy, a side effect of his asthma. There were also beads of sweat forming on his forehead and you could see him sweating in his school uniform, yet somehow he was shivering and complaining of being cold.

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