Loved - Liam x Y/n

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There was a strong calloused hand being placed on my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. Before it moved to my hairline brushing the loose strands of hair out of my face. I turned my head over my shoulder to face the owner of the hand.

"Morning babe." The owner of the hand greeted me.

"Morning" I mumbled groggily.

The hands owner chuckled and I opened my eyes to find myself staring at my boyfriend, Liam. He continued to tuck loose trends of my hair behind my ears with his eyes full of love taking in all of my complexions.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me gently.

"Good." I smiled.

I had mentioned feeling off yesterday but it wasn't anything fatal. Being me I played down my symptoms as much as I could. Even now I was lying, because in all honesty I felt worse than I did yesterday.

Liam, knowing me so well, gave me a look raising his eyebrows. He knew I was lying but he wanted me to admit it. At first I wasn't going to, but I really didn't feel very well and I didn't want to lie to the person who cares about me most.

"Okay, maybe a little sick." I blushed shyly and fiddled with the bed sheets.

"A little?" Liam questioned.

"Maybe a lot." I admitted before turning onto my stomach and crashing my face into my pillows.

"Can you tell me what kind of sick?" Liam was careful.

Feeling worse the more awake I became I just whimpered into the pillow. Liam put one of his cool hands underneath my grey tank top and ran it up and down my spine. It was comforting and somehow as cold as his hands were. It was soothing and somehow made me feel slightly better.

"Nauseous." My voice was muffled.

"Nauseous?" He confirmed with me.

Afraid of what would happen if I were to open my mouth again I just nodded my head in reply. Liam continued to rub his hand along my back for another minute before he stopped and slid out of bed. I turned onto my side to look at him and he smiled whilst he found some clothes to change into.

"I think you should stay in bed today and rest. I think you might have got the bug that Harry had last week." He told me.

Guess that's what I get for comforting a sick Harry Styles. Harry had been sick last week with the stomach flu and I had been taking care of him since the other boys were recording at the studio. I had been super careful, making sure to wash my hands frequently and disinfect or sanitize anything that was necessary. But when you spend a solid week taking care of someone that's sick, I suppose you're bound to end up sick too.

"Most of the boys are probably up by now and Niall's probably dying of hunger. I'll make you some tea and bring it up to you shortly, okay? Call out if you need anything." Liam spoke as he walked out of the room.

Wanting nothing more than to fall back asleep, I close my eyes and pull the blankets further up. But the moment of peace doesn't last long and the nausea becomes overwhelming and I begin to feel a lump in my throat. I was going to throw up.

I practically leapt out of bed running into the en suite bathroom. Holding a hand over my mouth as I dashed, I could only hope that I'd make it in time. Crashing onto the tiled floor I hunched over the toilet bowl and began emptying the contents of my stomach. Last night's dinner made its  spectacular appearance into the toilet as I continued to throw up.

I jumped when I felt a hand being placed on my back. Zayn had heard me throwing up and was now crouched beside me. He pulled my hair back out of my face as I continuously threw up. My throat was beginning to burn and throwing up this much was beginning to make me extremely tired. When I was finally able to stop I turned to look at Zayn.

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