Empty Sheets - Harry

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Louis POV:

A soft quiet sobbing could be heard from Harry's dressing room. The door was both closed and locked. Zayn stood next to me as we desperately tried to get into the dressing room. No one but Harry was inside and he wouldn't respond to us.

"Haz, please let us in." I begged.

"Come on Hazza, it's just us." Zayn pleaded.

But Harry wouldn't respond to our desperate pleas to let us in. All we could do was stand outside knocking on the door and listen to Harry's depressing sobs.

"What's going on?" Niall asked as he came wandering down the hallway.

"Hi Ni, Harry's crying and he won't let us in." Zayn explained.

"Oh no. I was just coming to tell him that Lou is ready for him." Niall sympathized.

"Hey boys, woah, why are we all standing outside Harry's dressing room? This seems a little bit creepy." Liam chuckled at his last comment.

But none of us found it funny. All we cared about was Harry and getting inside the dressing room.

"He's crying Liam!" I sassed.

Liam didn't know that Harry was crying but I wasn't thinking about that when he spoke. In my mind he was being inconsiderate. I was so worried about Harry that I took it out on the first person I could.

"Louis." Zayn scolded quietly, giving me a look.

"He is?" Liam cut in, not caring about how rude I had been just seconds ago.

Stepping towards Harry's dressing room door he listened to hear the faint sounds of crying. Liam jiggled the door handle trying to open the door but it was locked and he couldn't get inside. He knocked on the door and called out to Harry.

"Harry? Are you okay?"

There was no response. Instead Harry's crying became louder and went from a faint sob to a proper cry. It broke my heart to hear such a sound. He had been perfectly fine all day. He was happy and making jokes but now there was a sudden turn in his mood and he was in a fit of tears.

"Talk to me Harry." Liam called through the door, but still no response.

"I'll go let Lou know he's not coming to get his hair done." Niall sighed before turning to walk back down the hallway.

"Go and find Paul too!" Zayn cried after him.

Niall turned to face Zayn and nodded his head before he left to find Paul and deliver information to Lou. Zayn, Liam and I shared a look. Harry has never been this upset before and we had no clue what to do.

Normally it would be Y/n with him but she wasn't on tour with us this time around and clearly Harry needed her. I pulled out my phone and sent Y/n a text.

"What are you doing?" Zayn asked.

"Texting Y/n, see if she knows what to do." I responded.

Louis: Hey Y/n, sorry to bother you but Harry's upset and we don't know what to do. He won't let us in his dressing room and the door is locked.

I sent the text and it said it was delivered. I stared at my phone for a few minutes but she hadn't responded or even seen it.

"Any luck?" Liam asked, looking over my shoulder.

"None." I sighed.

Then Paul came down the hallway with Niall and Lou in tow. Paul walked straight to the door and we jumped out of his way. He knocked and called out to Harry.

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