Mr Fuzzy - Harry x Y/n

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The boys were currently on their world latest tour; 'Take Me Home'. Tonight's performance was in Pittsburgh and the show had already begun and was well under way.

Luckily for this tour I was able to take some time off of work and join the boys. I was so excited because I was close with all of the boys but it also meant that I was able to spend some time with Harry.

Harry and I had been dating for two years now and it was hard when he was always traveling between countries and even when we were together his schedule was so packed the only time I would see him was at night.

"Hey Y/n! Enjoying the show?" Paul smiled at me as he joined me side stage to watch the boys perform.

"Absolutely I am." I grinned back.

I really was enjoying the show but something kept catching my eye. And that was one Harry Styles. He always caught my eye, particularly because he's my boyfriend. But today it wasn't in a positive way. Harry had already seemed off this morning and now on stage he was struggling.

You could see how pale he was and it wasn't because of the lighting. Harry was much quieter than usual and wasn't engaging with the audience in his usual matter. Something was wrong.

The boys were singing 'Teenage Dirt bag' and Harry's vocals were raw. He looked and sounded like he was in pain. By the end of the song Harry was dumping his microphone on one of the sets of stairs and running to find a way off of the stage. Soon I was no longer able to see him and he had disappeared.

Suddenly a crew member was running up to me.

"Y/n! Harry's throwing up, he needs you." They informed me.

Following the crew member I ran to find my boyfriend. He was behind one of the screens puking his guts out into a bucket. Immediately I placed my hand on his back and started rubbing comforting circles between his shoulder blades.

"Shh, you're okay." I whispered into his ear.

"Y/n-" He tried talking to me but another wave of nausea hit him and he was retching into the bucket again.

"I'm here. Don't talk, okay baby?" I cooed.

Harry nodded his head as he continued to violently throw up. The other boys were now singing 'Rock Me' and covering his parts of the song. I was so grateful that they were quickly able to cover for Harry without drawing too much attention to him being missing.

"Can you please get me some water and a towel?" I politely asked one of the stage hands.

When the stage hand returned with the requested towel and bottle of water Harry had finally stopped throwing up. I passed him the bottle of water to sip on and he used the towel to wipe the sweat from his face. Pulling him into a hug he rested his tired head onto my shoulder.

"I have to go back out there." He whispered.

"I don't think you should. You've just been sick. Are you sure?"

Harry just nodded his head yes and we slowly walked around through the back of the stage where we were met by Paul.

"You okay Harry?" He asked, concerned.

"Yeh, fine. I'm just about to head back out there." Harry nodded his head towards the stage.

Paul allowed him to return onto the stage and he continued the rest of the show. I was worried about him. He shouldn't be on the stage, not when he's this sick.

Liam looked at me and gave me a look and nodded to Harry as if to ask if he should be concerned. I nodded my head back at him and he gave me a reassuring smile and I knew he was going to be keeping an eye on Harry for the rest of the show.


At the end of the show Harry collapsed onto one of the couches in the dressing room. When I walked in and saw him there with his eyes closed and his face scrunched up in pain I walked over to him.

I sat down on the couch next to him and he lied sideways putting his head in my lap. The other boys noticed their sick friend and the concerned look on my face.

"You okay Hazza?" Louis asked, bending to Harry's eye level.

Harry just shook his head no and Louis, Zayn, Niall, Liam and I shared a look.

"You still feeling nauseous?" Liam cautioned.

Nodding his head 'yes' in response Harry let out a small groan of discomfort. I started running my hands through his locks of curly hair.

"I'll go get a bucket." Zayn offered.

"I can grab some water." Niall jumped in too.

Appreciatively I thanked them both and they both ran off to find the chosen items. Harry continued to whine until he began muttering something under his breath.

"Mr Fuzzy," He mumbled in a whine.

"Mr Fuzzy?" I looked down at him.

"I want Mr Fuzzy." Harry continued to sulk.

"Who's Mr Fuzzy?" Louis looked at me as if he thought Harry was crazy.

"Mr Fuzzy is a bear that I won for Harry when he lost at playing a dart game at a fair we went to." I explained.

"Ohh." Both Liam and Louis sighed in realization.

"Do you want me to go get it?" Louis suggested.

"Yes please. It should be in my bunk on the tour bus." I answered not taking my eyes off of Harry.

Louis ran off to go grab the bear while Zayn and Niall returned with a bottle of water and a bucket. Zayn couldn't have come at a better time because not even a minute after he and Niall had returned Harry gagged. We moved him to sit up and he held his head inside the bucket as he once more emptied the contents of his stomach. I held back his hair to make sure none of his vomit got into it. Once Harry had finished throwing up Niall passed him the water bottle.

"Just take small sips, okay baby?"

Harry nodded and Louis returned with the teddy bear. Upon seeing Mr Fuzzy Harry snatched him from the arms of Louis and hugged him tightly. Laying Harry back down on the couch Liam turned off the lights and we left Harry to sleep off his stomach bug with me sitting by his side.

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