Told You So - Zayn

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This is the final chapter of this book sadly. I have loved writing this book so much and I really hope you all enjoyed it. I will be making an announcment regarding my next book shortly so keep you're eyes peeled on my feed. 

Thank you so much for reading this book and I hope you all enjoy the final chapter.


Niall's POV

Finally a day off. A day to do nothing. As much as I love recording albums, I love a break more. Even if it is only just for two days. But the best part about breaks is when Harry makes us all breakfast. The worst part about days off is having to wake up Zayn.

No one really wanted the job of waking Zayn up so we were all quick to come up with excuses. I was the first to shout out my excuse.

"I haven't finished eating yet." 

"I'm cooking breakfast." Harry announced.

It was between Liam and Louis. Louis gave Liam a look with his eyebrows risen. Neither of them really wanted to do it but Liam seemed to care less about it than anyone else. 

"Don't look at me like that mate. I'm not the one waking him up." Liam shrugged before taking a sip of his coffee.

Louis let out a frustrated groan before going off upstairs to wake up Zayn. We all tried our best to stifle our chuckles as Louis sulked out up the stairs. But it wasn't any longer than five minutes when Louis was entering the kitchen again... without Zayn.

"Where's Zayn?" Harry puzzled upon watching Louis reenter the space.

"I can't wake him up. Liam you'll have to do it. You're the only one who can." Louis told us.

Liam let out a long sigh. Before huffing as he rose from his seat at the kitchen table. He quickly skulled the coffee remaining isnide his mug before turning to Louis with exasperation.

"Must I do everything myself."

We all watched as Liam sauntered out of the kitchen and made his way up the stairs. Then we heard him call back down again.

"Louis get your ass up here I'm not doing this for you." Liam called and Louis quickly scurried up the stairs not wanting to make Liam mad. He was already becoming annoyed the last thing any of us wanted was an angry Liam.

Now the room slightly emptier than before, Harry joined me at the kitchen table with a serving of his own cooking. The two of us tucked into our breakfast leaving the troubles of waking up Zayn behind.


Liam's POV

Honestly I can't understand what Louis finds so hard about waking up Zayn. I mean sure he can be grumpy and stubborn sometimes. And yes, he's a nightmare on tour. But we aren't on tour. In fact at the minute we were doing nothing. 

"I am going to show you how to wake Zayn up and you will watch, and you will learn. Because if this happens again Tomlinson, it will be the last thing you ever do." I warned Louis in a venomous tone.t

Once we reached Zayn's room I slowly turned the doornob trying not to make an accessive amount of noise. The door slowly creeped open and I stepped into the room. Immediantly I could tell something was wrong. I wasn't sure what but I could feel it.

Carefully I made my way around to the side of Zayn's bed. Louis opened his mouth to protest but I held up my hand quickly enough to silence him. I peered over the covers to get a good look at Zayn. He was deathly pale and there were small beads of sweat on his forehead. My intution was right something was wrong.

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