Sleeping Beauty - Zayn

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"Zayn I swear to god, if you don't get your ass out of bed in the next five minutes I am going to lose it!" Louis shouted from the doorway of Zayn's hotel room.

Grunting in response Zayn just rolled over in bed facing away from Louis. Frustrated as ever, Louis stormed into the open space of the boys hotel room slamming the door shut behind him.

"Why is he so lazy! We have things to do today." Louis exasperated.

"Just calm down mate. I'll deal with Zayn if you go get yourself ready." Liam told his band mate while he cleared the table.

Louis stormed back off to his own shared room with Harry and begun searching for clothes to dress into. Harry had just walked out of the bathroom drying his hair when he saw that Zayn still hadn't surfaced from his room.

"Still no Zayn?" He asked.

"Nope, and Louis is not happy about it." Scoffed Niall, plopping himself onto the couch.

"I'm about to go and wake him up." Liam said.

"Good luck." Harry chuckled before joining Niall on the couch.

Quietly Liam walked into his shared hotel room where Zayn was softly dozing. He walked over to the blinds and drew them open.

"Ugh!" Zayn cried.

"Come on mate, you have to get up." Liam told him.

Liam ignored the groaning of Zayn and picked up the clothes that were strewn out across the floor before placing them in the suitcases. Glancing over at Zayn Liam found him with his eyes screwed shut.

"Liam, please. Close the blinds. It hurts." Zayn pleaded.

His voice was low and raspy as a result of him only just waking up. The boys had a radio interview today and they couldn't miss it. They had an hour before Paul was coming to pick them up so they were all rushing around trying to get dressed and ready.

"Zayn, you have to get up." Liam sighed.

He couldn't understand why Zayn was being so difficult. It was pissing Louis off and Liam did not want to deal with constant bickering today, so was trying to defuse the situation as early as he could. When Zayn still wasn't getting up Liam's patience wore thin.

"Zayn get up!" He barked.

"Ah! Too loud." Zayn whimpered at the sudden loud noise.

He still had his eyes closed and his face was contorted into a squint. Zayn looked to be in pain. Liam didn't think too much of it until Harry walked in.

"Still not up?" The curly headed lad asked, sticking his head into the room.

"No." Liam huffed in annoyance.

Harry walked into the room and towards Zayn's bed. He moved to where Zayn was facing. There was now a pillow covering Zayn's face and Harry pulled it away to reveal his face. Harry's eyes quickly filled with concern as he saw the look of pain on Zayn's face.

"Liam, I don't think he's okay." Harry cautioned.

"What do you mean?" Liam rolled his eyes, coming over to stand beside Harry.

When Liam saw the pain written all over Zayn's face he immediately went into daddy directioner mode.

"Zayn? What's wrong? Talk to me." Liam brushed his hand over Zayn's forehead and through his hair.

"My head." Zayn sulked.

"We need a little more information than that mate." Harry responded.

"It's pounding. I'm so dizzy." Zayn quaked.

"Can you open your eyes for us?." Liam used a hushed voice, cautious of Zayn's sensitive ears.

"No, it's too bright." Zayn whimpered.

Harry pulled back the blinds blocking the light out of the room. Bringing relief to Zayn he was finally able to open his eyes. With a look of concentration on his face Liam took in Zayn's complexion. Suddenly Zayn gagged and the boys knew he was going to throw up. Harry called out to Niall.

"Niall get a bucket!" Harry bellowed.

Zayn groaned in complaint at the loud noise.

"Sorry mate." Harry apologized before Zayn gagged again.

Niall ran into the room with a bucket. The bucket was thrown at Liam and he caught it before placing it under Zayn's chin. He was just in time because a second after Liam had placed the bucket in front of Zayn he began throwing up.

"It's okay, you're okay." Liam comforted his friend while rubbing circles on his back.

"I'm calling Paul. Zayn cannot do the interview like this." Harry said as he pulled out his phone and rang their tour manager.

"What's going on?" Louis blurted as he walked into the room.

"Zayn's sick." Niall explained.

"He probably has a migraine." Liam stated.

Zayn stopped vomiting and Liam helped him relax back into the bed, propping up some pillows behind him so he could sit up.

"Oh Zayn, I'm so sorry." Louis apologized guiltily.

"It's 'k." Zayn murmured before closing his eyes again.


When Paul arrived he assessed Zayn and came to the conclusion that he had a migraine. Zayn was deemed unfit to do the interview so the boys would have to do it without him. They rang ahead to the radio station to let them know and Preston was called to watch over Zayn while Paul took the others to the interview.

It took lots of rest and sleep for Zayn to recover from his migraine. Louis made sure to shower Zayn with love and comfort after being such a pain to him and it was much appreciated by Zayn. It didn't take long before all five boys were back on stage performing to thousands of fans.

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