Truthful - Harry x Y/n

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This is a request for the lovely @ ilangel1  (won't let me tag her) who has requested a sickfic where Harry has a severe stomach bug, but no one believes that he's sick because Niall is faking sick. It will feature all five boys as well as Y/n who will be Harry's girlfriend.

I hope you enjoy, and that this fits your description. 

- Your Author ♥


"I cannot believe he is sick." I complained.

It was selfish for me to complain about Niall being sick. He was the one who was upstairs in bed crying in pain because his stomach wouldn't stop bothering him. But this week was just so busy and the boys were supposed to be recording tomorrow and now the couldn't. Niall was running to the bathroom to go the toilet every 20 minutes and it was devastating. 

"I have so much work to do! Your schedule is packed and I still somehow have to manage to fit in spending time with Harry. I get Niall can't help it but did it have to be today? He's a nightmare when he's sick and I'm the one who has to deal with it. No one else! I'm stressed enough as it is!" I yelled, complaining to Liam.

We were sitting in the living room on the couch. I buried my face in my hands and let a few tears slip. I had been so busy recently and so stressed, the last thing I needed was the responsibility of taking care of someone.

Then Niall walked into the room with Louis standing behind him. Louis had a look of annoyance and disapproval on his face. Niall was supposed to be in bed resting. If Louis had made him get out of bed, I swear.

"Tell them Niall." Louis warned a shy Niall.

"Tell us what?" Liam asked.


"Niall?" I was beginning to grow suspicious.

"I was faking!" Niall blurted out.

"WHAT?!" I screamed.

"I faked being sick. I'm so sorry, I just really didn't want to do everything we had to this week." Niall was now crying.

To say I was angry was an understatement. I was furious! Niall had lied to us about being sick and I had spent the entire day running around and fussing over him just so he could have a day off. I was so disappointed. I was so stressed, this was the last thing I needed.

"I'm so sorry." He apologized.

I was too angry to look at him. Louis took Niall out of the room and led him to the kitchen to apologize to Zayn and Harry. After calming down I too left the living room with Liam and entered the dining space where we found Niall sitting at the table sniffling. I forgave him and he promised to never lie to me again. I was still disappointed but it was hard not to forgive the adorable blonde that is Niall Horan.


Harry's POV

I was stood in the kitchen making dinner while I watched Y/n furiously typing on her computer. Her brow was knitted into a tight furrow and her lips pursed. She was so stressed this week she had a massive project due at work and she still had to manage our crazy schedule too.

Now that I had placed dinner in the oven I walked around to stand behind her. She didn't notice me until I started massaging her shoulders to release some of the tension. Holy crap was she tight.

"Thank babe." She sighed, relaxing into my arms.

"Just relax, you're too tense." I told her.

Placing a soft kiss on her cheek I walked back into the kitchen to start cleaning up the mess I had made. Liam and Louis and were in the lounge with Niall playing video games. They weren't impressed with his little stunt , but playing video games makes Niall happy and a happy Niall is much better than a sad guilty Niall.

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