Wheeze - Harry

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Hi everyone! This was a request from the wonderful @Beckyxx06 who requested a story based around Harry suffering from a cough during a concert on the WWAT in the UK. 

I hope you all enjoy and I hope that this filled your request!

- Your Author


Finally we were on the Europe leg of our tour and home in the UK.  Our first show in the UK was in the city of Manchester. It was so exciting to be able to perform back in our home country. We all loved performing around the world and going on tour but there's no place quite like home.

The only thing that could possibly disrupt tonight's concert is the fact that I've developed an awful cough. Now that we were in the place where I wanted to perform the most I became sick. It was awful and the irony of it was driving me insane.

"Harry, lets go." Paul called to me from the front of the tour bus. 

I quickly grabbed my phone and jacket, rushing through the rooms of the tour bus to find Paul and my four other band mates sitting in the front lounge waiting for me.

"I'm here, lets go." I told them.

Soon we were inside our dressing rooms of the stadium and getting ready for the show. The first thing to happen was us to be called for our pre-show sound check. After the sound team was satisfied that our mics and ear monitors were working we taking back to the dressing rooms to get dressed and ready for the show. 

Lou, our hairdresser, rotated between us spiffing up our hair and adding small amounts of makeup to our faces so we wouldn't look like ghosts underneath the stage lights. When Lou called me over and I sat in the chair she began to work her magic. But when Lou pulled out the powdered foundation and began brushing it onto my face, my asthma was instantly set off.

I began coughing and spluttering bringing my elbow across my mouth. Jumping out of my seat and away from the makeup table I continued to cough. Liam came over to me and brought his arm around my shoulders. Zayn came over too with a bottle of water in hand passing it to Liam to give to me. 

When the coughing subsided I sat back down in the makeup chair and Lou decided to leave my makeup alone and instead work on my hair.

"Harry, I don't like the sound of the that cough you have." Lou warned me as she brushed through my curls.

"I'm fine Lou." I reassured her.

"Lou is right Harry. You're sick and we all know it." Liam stated.

Great no 'daddy directioner' joined the conversation. I was never going to win this.

"Stop stressing, I'll be perfectly fine." I insisted.

"At least take a cough drop." Louis said passing me a packet full of butter menthol's. 

Rolling my eyes I reluctantly took one, knowing this wasn't a battle I was likely to win. As much as I hate to admit it the butter menthol soothes my raw and aching throat, allowing a sense of relief to rush through me. The boys were right. I was becoming sick. I had a terrible cough and was beginning to lose my voice. 


It had been a long and painful show so far. My chest was beginning to bother me and my asthma started to play up. I was pushing through each and every song but I didn't know how much longer I was going to last. 

Listening to my voice as I sang pained me. I could here the unwanted raspiness and apparently so could the boys because when I finished singing I found Louis by my side giving me a look. I was in pain and Louis could tell. I needed some water so moved to sit on a piece of the set where I was soon joined by Niall. 

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