In The Cold - (Part 3)

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This is once again continuing on with the request for Beckyxx06

Hope you enjoy!


Zayn's POV

"Can you please pass me the remote?"

Harry's voice was raw and croaky. He had improved since yesterday and Friday night. His spirits had lifted and he once more wore a smile on his face. However I wish I could say the same about his symptoms. Harry's nose was still stuffy and he was always sneezing. His fever had broken, thankfully, but he's cough had become much worse. It was chesty and it was obvious it hurt.

Right now Harry and I were sitting on the couch watching tv with Niall on the floor, his back against the couch watching tv with us. Harry had insisted that we helped relocate him to the lounge room since he was 'so bored he was going to die' if he stayed his bedroom. Most of Harry's newly spent time in the lounge room was watching movies or playing video games against Louis, which had become quite the competition.

"Hey lads, how we doin?" Louis asked waltzing into the room.

Louis waltzed into the room with Liam close behind him. Both of them were each carrying a bag with supplies in them. Inside Liam's bag were supplies from the chemist for Harry. It was mostly tissues since Harry was going through a box an hour. 

In Louis' bag on the other hand, were supplies of a different kind. Inside the bag Louis carried inside were packets of lollies, chips and cans of soft drink. It honestly came as no surprise considering this is the kind of thing to expect from Louis. 

"What's all the junk food for?" Niall giggled looking greedily inside the bag.

"For our movie night. We go back to school tomorrow, might as well have some fun!" 

"Oh my god." I groaned rolling my eyes.

"I tried to stop him but he didn't listen." Liam threw his hands up in defence.

Louis jumped onto the couch in between Harry and I wrapping his arms around both our shoulders. Liam unpacked his bag of supplies placing it on the coffee table next to Harry's water bottle. After Liam packed everything away he sat down on the floor next to Niall.

It wasn't long before Harry launched into a coughing fit, wheezing and gripping onto Louis' shirt as he coughed. He whinced as he coughed the croak in his voice clearly causing him pain. Harry dry coughed until he could barely breath. When he was finally able to stop we aided him to take sips of water while he calmed down. 

Once he was calm again Harry let out a remark of his boredom.

"I'm bored." Harry huffed.

We're literally watching his favorite tv show. How on earth he could be bored I'll never know. I guess that's the mystery of Harry Styles.

"Well then you're really going to enjoy tomorrow without us." Snickered Louis.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to school tomorrow. You'll be by yourself." 

"No, I'm coming to school." 

All four of us turned to look at Harry sharply. We all glared at him staring him down. There was no way he was going to school. He was far too sick and the coughing fit he had only minutes ago was perfect proof.

"No you are not!" Niall shot at him.

"Yes I am!" Harry shot back.

"No way! You are far too sick!" I told him.

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