Independent - Liam

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This is a request for the wonderful @ilangel1

Hope you enjoy and that this fits the description.


Liam's POV

Heat was swelling my sweaty body. My stomach stabbing me every few minutes. I felt awful and yet I still had to sit here and listen to this interviewer groan on about out tour. About how our fans adore us and how we are charting all across the world. Facts we already know, facts that are our everyday lives. I was desperate for this interview to end.

"Liam. Liam!" A voice pulled me out of my day dream. 

It was Louis standing above me. The other boys were standing up and making their way towards the exit.

"Interviews over mate."

"Oh." I breathed softly.

"You alright?" Louis checked with me but I protested against his concern.

"Just fine. Let's get out of here."

Pulling myself up from the couch I followed Louis out of the interview room, through the many corridors all the way back to the van. Climbing in behind him I ended up with a window seat. Thank god. Unlucky for Louis though since he was squished between Zayn and I in the middle seat. 

Normally no one sits in the middle seat because normally one of us are sitting next to the driver but since Paul was travelling with us today the front seat wasn't available. Instead Zayn and I were sitting window seats squishing poor Louis, while Niall and Harry sat in the back of the van singing along to the songs playing on the radio.

As we pulled out of the private parking lot, lights were suddenly flashing and screaming could be heard from outside the car. We were being surrounded by fans and paparazzi. I could hear Paul talking into his radio to security telling them to push the crowds out of the way so that we could drive out of here.

"Sorry about that boys. The interviewers promised us that their security would deal with the crowds." Paul apologized from the front seat once we had finally begun to drive away.

"It's all right Paul. No big deal." Harry called from the back of the van.

"Not your fault, don't sweat it." Louis smiled from beside me.

Then we all turned to ourselves for the remainder of the drive home. Louis pulled out his phone and began watching the football game he had missed last night, Zayn put his headphones in and Niall and Harry continued to sing along with the songs on the radio. But me, I just placed my head against the window and allowed myself to drift into a light sleep. I was tired and if I had a spare moment to close my eyes before tonight's show, I was taking it.


It's been three days. Three days since my stomach first began bothering me. What I thought was a small bug that would go away overnight has instead stuck around to bother me and instead of gradually getting better it was worsening. I didn't have time to be sick. I was on a god damn world tour for goodness sake. There were thousands of fans relying on me to perform for them, not to mention my four band mates.

But I didn't have time to worry about my stupid stomach I had a concert to do. Grabbing a packet of ibuprofen from one of the hampers in the dressing room I quickly popped out two tablets from the sheet before swallowing them down with a gulp of water. I needed to be quick before the boys came in. The last thing I needed was for them to start worrying about me. 

"Paul's just called places!" Zayn yelled entering the dressing room before checking himself out in the mirror.

"Coming." I replied to him.

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