Delirious - Niall

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This is a request about Niall having a really bad fever and being delirious for the gorgeous @Ilovejustin665 

I hope you enjoy and that this fits your description!


Harry's POV

It had been since the early hours of this morning when Niall first started fussing in his sleep and complained of feeling unwell. At first he was okay and we gave him some ibuprofen but it soon resurfaced into the toilet bowl along with last nights dinner when Niall began throwing up at around 3:00 this morning.

It had been a long and rough night for all of us but especially Niall. He was sick, and very obviously sick. It pained us to seem him so pale and so drained of energy. We had lost our bright happy Nialler to whatever bug he had caught.

"How's he doing?" Louis asked as Liam and I entered the kitchenette of our tour bus.

"He's asleep." Liam sighed.

The two of us plopped down into our seats exhausted. We had all taken shifts last night in watching over Niall and Liam and I took the last one. Zayn walked over to us with a cup of tea for myself and a cup of coffee for Liam.

"We're gonna have to call it in aren't we?" Zayn conferred.

"Without a doubt. There's no way that it was just a one time thing." I told him.

We all sat in silence for a while as we made ourselves breakfast and began making phone calls to Paul about having to cancel today's plans and potentially even tonight's show. The four of us made quick work of tracking down members of management and freeing up our schedule. It wasn't until Niall walked into the space that we even stopped working.

"Hey Nialler. How ya doing?" Liam spoke softly.

Plopping down onto the small couch in the front of the bus Niall opened his mouth to respond to Liam's question.

"Mghmhjr." Niall mumbled gibberish.


"I jus' wan' burritos." Niall slurred clearly out of it.

"Burritos?" Louis looked at Liam.

Niall rolled over and buried his face into the couch pillow. One arm was laying above his head over the arm rest of the couch while the other hung limp by his side. Niall let out a long low groan before greedily sucking in a deep breath not exhaling. We all waited for him to release the air he had just taken in but that moment never came.

"Niall?" Liam cautioned.

There was no response or movement from Niall.

"Niall breathe!" Liam called out to him and Niall began to breathe again.

"What the hell was that?!" Louis exclaimed.

To be honest, none of us knew what that was. Which meant Louis was going to have to go without an answer. 

"Zayn, can you please go and get a thermometer?" Liam appeared to have come to a realization of some sort.


Liam's POV

"Zayn, can you please go and get a thermometer?" I called out behind me.

I think I might know the reason Niall's acting so strangely and talking complete gibberish. Niall had been sick all night and had only gotten worse so I wouldn't be surprised if a fever was joining his list of symptoms. 

As Zayn walked back over with a thermometer in hand Niall suddenly sat up swallowing thickly. He suddenly gagged and we all knew what was coming next. There wasn't enough time to get him to the bathroom so Louis reached for the rubbish bin and Harry placed it under Niall's chin only moments before he started to throw up the contents of his stomach.

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