Chapter 13- Close Call

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(A/n: To clear up some details about you and the story. Your character is not a fighter. He's kinda of a soft spoken, kind, caring, compassionate guy.  He's kinda your average joe. Don't expect him to have any outstanding killer moves. His powers are more miscellaneous then offensive or defensive. That's not what this story it about, so don't expect him to be good at conflict. Also it's going to be a slow burn with KDA. It's not going to be that on the spot, but don't worry it's coming.  Also what happened to the previous husbands has been hinted at, and we will also be crossing that bridge when we get there. Hopefully that helps you guys! I hope you enjoy the chapter!)

You raised your hands up to defend yourself. You weren't really sure what to do at the moment but you tried to push him down. You braced yourself for the worst and shoved him as hard as you could. He got close enough to manage to stick the pocket knife in your arm. But you were still able to manage to knock him back. Pain surged in your right bicep seeing the knife stuck. You were then pushed to the ground and patrons of the restaurant noticed the fight. The man stood over you and was about to stomp your face with his shoe.

Akali: "(Y/n)!!!"

You turned to see Akali and she quickly pulled out a throwing knife and threw it at your attacker. He staggered back in pain and she ran up and kicked him off of you. She then went down to see if you were hurt.

Akali: "Oh my god your arm! We need to get you to a hospital!"

Soon everyone else came running and saw you and Akali.

Syndra: "Oh my god! (Y/n)!"

Sejuani: "Oh my baby boy! Someone call an ambulance!"

Your attacker got back up and he saw you surrounded by KDA.

Crazed attacker: "I'll kill you and I'll have KDA to myself!"

As he came running back he was then hit by a ball of magic. Ahri had summoned her tails and her magic orbs. Kai'sa had her cannons at the ready just in case as well. Evelynn's lashers were out and ready to strike. Syndra's dark orbs were floating around her. They stood in between you and your attacker. Your mom, Seraphine, and Akali were by your side as they stood guard.

Soon the police came and apprehended the crazed knife guy. An ambulance came and took you to the hospital. Your mom, sister, and Seraphine rode with you in the ambulance to the hospital. KDA would follow in the other car. You were in urgent care and a nurse was stitching up your knife wound.

Nurse: "There, now the doctor will be here to tell you what you'll need to do for the next few weeks."

You: "Thank you."

She smiled at you and left the curtained off area you were in. You were just in shock that you survived that attack and only were left with a knife stuck in your arm. If he really tried, he really could've killed you. You were quickly out of your trace when the curtain opened.

Ina: "Mr.(Y/n)!!!"

Ina and the girls came running in crying and climbed onto the bed and hugged you. Soon you saw KDA, your family, and Seraphine.

Kai'sa: "We tried our best to give you your privacy but they wouldn't stop crying if they didn't see you."

You grew a weak smile.

You: "It's fine, I'd rather not be alone right now. Thank you girls."

You patted each of their heads with your left arm. Your right arm still hurt and you couldn't really move it. Soon the doctor came in. She saw everyone but still closed the curtain behind her.

Dr. Whittaker: "Hello everyone! I'm sorry if I'm interrupting something. So Mr.(L/n) you're looking at a little to no movement from that arm. We want all the muscles, tissue, and nerves to heal properly. We'll need to put it in a sling for that. Luckily the knife didn't hit any important arteries and there was no tetanus detected from our test. You're looking at about 3 weeks until a full recovery and during your 2nd week or so we will try some physical therapy so you don't lose feeling in that arm. I'll also prescribe you some pain medicine just in case it hurts. If anything comes up, come back and we'll take a look. If there's no questions that should be all."

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