Chapter 26- Roll your D20

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(Here story. Read Story. I return with story another day. I go now. Hope you enjoy chapter.)





You finally smack the alarm clock. You sit up and then sit on the edge of your bed. You stretch. You had asked for the day off. You checked your phone to see the time.

You: "Oh it's February 14th-"



Sett and Irelia come running after Jinx with confetti cannons. You sat at the side of your bed wide eyed.

You: "Wow... Thanks guys..."

Sett: "You're welcome bud! Now you're... 25!"

Irelia: "Really Sett?"

Sett: "Numbers are hard!"

Jinx: "Anyways! Here's your birthday gift from me!"

Jinx handed you a present and you unwrapped it.

You: "An avocado thanks..."

Jinx: "You're welcome! Now time for your real gift!"

Jinx handed you an envelope and you opened it. Inside was a note and you read it.

You: "This is a voucher for 1 favor Jinx can do for you. This is for anything, even murder."

Jinx: "Yeah! I know a great place to hide a body!"

You: "Well thanks Jinx, I'm sure this will come in handy someday."

Sett: "My turn!"

Sett gave you a box and you took it. You opened up and it was a picture of a water cooled PC.

You: "Thanks Sett?"

Sett: "It's not here yet but I bought you a custom water cooled PC! It's even got a 3090 in it and a thread ripper processor!"

You: "Oh! Thanks man!"

Sett: "Now can I have your old PC?"

You: "Sure man!"

Irelia: "Now time for my gift, here you go (Y/n)."

Irelia handed you a wrapped box. You opened it. It was a Wyrmwood dice rolling box.

You: "Oh thanks! I've been meaning to buy one for ages!"

Irelia: "Now you can really enjoy dungeons and dragons. Me and Sett would offer to play with you for your birthday but we also have Valentine's day plans. So might this weekend."

Jinx: "Same, I would stick around this time but your girl got a date!"

You: "Really? With who?"

Jinx: "Not sure just some chick from tinder."

You: "Oh, well good luck then!"

Jinx: "I got this in the bag!"

You: "Well thanks again guys! I enjoyed this. I was going to see how the girls were doing anyway since it is Valentine's."

Irelia: "Then we'll leave you to it. Have fun and Happy Birthday (Y/n)!"

The three left your room and got ready for the day. You headed out for the KDA mansion but before you thought you should pick up some flowers and chocolates for the girls after all. After leaving the closest grocery store you got back into your car.

The Idol's Daycare (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now