Chapter 34- Enrollment

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(Kept you waiting huh? Sorry for the sudden disappearance, BlancoFangP1geon is posting yet again! I have been busy with life. Trying to make ends meet, going out and being social. May have met a lady friend... Went to an anime convention and preping to go to another one at the end of next month. While also trying to balance hobbies like writing! Which was not at the top of my priority list. So I thank you for your patience of all things. I know it must suck rereading previous chapters or trying to finding other books to read. But to be honest I'll have to wrap this book up soon. There's not much else content I could do with this book and I wanted to end it with the girls entering elementary school and going into a epilogue following the years after. So don't expect too many more chapters.  In other news! I might start streaming again! I'll add my twitch link in my bio. It's Monarch_Cr0w at! So check it out! Or don't! I don't care but you probably already know that! Anyways! I hope you enjoy the chapter!)

The day was like any other in the KDA household.

Ahri: "We're going to be late!"

Kai'sa: "I need to get Leah's shoes on!"

Evelynn: "Deanna hasn't had her hair done yet!"

Akali: "I can't find Ina! Oh wait, here she is..."

Ahri: "Why did (Y/n) have to be late today of all days...?"

Okay, it wasn't like any other day in the KDA household...


Once you were back from your vacation it was back to work for you. The daycare was back full of kids and you there to watch over them.

You: "Okay kiddos, time to go home!"

All of the kids: "Okay!"

They stopped what they were doing and you led them out of the lobby where their parents were waiting. After dismissing most of them you went back to your room to gather the girls. They were still playing or reading. You walked up to them and knelt down.

You: "Okay, you girls ready to go home?"

Ina: "I am! Is papa going to make din din?"

You: "No, I'm sure Lydia already made something Ina."

Mai: "Want us to help papa?"

You: "Thank you Mai that would be nice."

Leah: "Come on! Let's help papa!"

The girls helped clean up the toys and books while you put the chair up and swept the room. With the help of the girls, you were done in half the time it usually took you. Once you were changed out of your work apron and locked the door to the butterfly room. You got the girls into the car and you drove them home. You arrived and brought them into the manor, you saw most of them all piled up over some papers while Evelynn was on her laptop.

You: "Hey, we're home!"

They looked up and gave you and the girls a warm smile. The girls ran to them and they each gave them a hug. You walked over and greeted them as well with a hug and a kiss. Looking down at the paperwork you wondered what they were up to.

You: "What's this? Are you guys planning a new album?"

Evelynn: "No darling. The girls are at that age where they need to be enrolled into school."

You: "That's right, they are at that age."

You felt a bit conflicted at the thought. You've spent a good portion of almost a year with these girls at the daycare. It completely slipped your mind that they'd grow up, go to school, and stop being kids.

The Idol's Daycare (KDA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now