Arthur Leclerc- You're Late

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A/N- sorry this one is quite short. I wanted to release something today though. 

"You're late" I yelled at my boyfriend as he finally got home. He does this a lot at the moment. He is always travelling to different races, and when he is home he's out late. He tells me he's "hanging with friends he doesn't see much" but it's been every day this week. He has seen them more than he's seen me.

"I'm sorry y/n. He slurred as he arrived at the living room door." He was very drunk and was struggling to stand up properly. He'd come home in this state for a few days and I was getting fed up. I put him to bed in our spare room before going back down stairs.

I phoned Charles, his brother, to find out if there was something going on that I didn't know about. Charles lives ten minutes from our house so he said he'd come over the next day and talk to his brother. Maybe Charles will make him speak.

The next morning I got out of bed to find that Arthur had made pancakes.

"If this is meant to be an apology I don't accept it." I told him.

"I know that y/n and I don't expect you to forgive me, but I needed to see my friends." I responded, it was the worst excuse he had ever used.

"I don't want your excuses Arthur, you've ignored me all week. I called Charles last night and he's coming over in an hour so go get dressed." I instructed him, as if I had to act as his mother.

When Charles arrived I said hi to him then sent him into the living room to talk to his brother. I wasn't even going to bother anymore. They were probably talking for an hour before they both came into the kitchen. Before I could start talking Arthur stormed out of the house.

"What the hell happened Charles!" I yelled, worried as to why Arthur was so cross.

"He said he's not good enough for you." Charles told me. I felt bad for a minute before realising this wasn't my fault. Apparently Arthur feels guilty for leaving me for weeks at a time. But instead of telling me this he decided that he would spend the week we had together with his friends instead.

A few hours later Arthur finally returned. I told him that Charles told me everything. I love Arthur and think he has the coolest job in the world. I would never make him give it up and I'm never giving him up. 

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