Lando Norris- Don't Mess With My Woman

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A/N- This story has been written from the PoV of Lando, please tell me if you would like more stories like this in the future.

Today is my first interview since everyone found out about my relationship with Y/n Russell. I have known her for many years and we started dating a few months ago. On Sunday, after the race, the press spotted us in the Mclaren garage and they have all been desperate to interview me since then. Today is Thursday and we are doing most of our press interviews today. I already know that they will be asking about my relationship.

I spoke to Y/N to find out how much of our relationship she wants the press to know about. I also spoke to Charlotte so I know how best to answer each of the questions.

For the press conference today I've been paired with George. This is going to be a fun interview...

"So Lando, are the rumours about you and Y/N Russell true?" Someone asked me.

"Yes, they are true" I responded fairly bluntly. I don't want to tell them any more than they ask me. I will answer whatever they ask within reason, but I'm not giving them anymore. They don't ask the married drivers about their wives, so why do they expect details about my girlfriend.

"George, what do you think about your best friend and your sister dating" Someone else asked George.

"I think it's great," He told them. "It means I get to see Y/N more as she is traveling to all of the races with Lando at the moment. It also means I don't have to hear her complain about Lando dating other people any more. I don't have a problem with it at all." He responded honestly. I asked George if he would be ok with Y/N and I dating before I ever asked her out.

"How long have you and Y/N been dating Lando?" Another nosy interviewer asked me.

"We've been dating for a few months but I've fancied her for much longer."

"What are your plans for the future with Y/N Lando?" Someone else yelled across the room.

"Okay that's enough. I'm not here to answer your questions about my relationship. I am here for you to ask questions about the race and our plans so please stop talking about my relationship."

"She's not good enough for you, Lando." I heard someone yell from the back of the room. A young fan had broken into the press conference. The security quickly started to escort her out but I stopped them before they got to the door.

"Hey!" I yelled at her, "Don't you ever talk about my woman like that. She is a better person than will ever be. She is kind to everyone, no matter who they are." I yelled at her, getting more angry as I won't let anyone disrespect Y/N like that.

"I heard what you said in your interview" Y/N said to me as soon as I got out. "I love you Lando." She said to me.

"I love you too Y/N and I'm always going to defend my woman!"

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