Lando Norris- The right promise

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This is Alana Wright:

A/N- I haven't ever been to an F1 weekend at Silverstone so I don't know exactly where everything is, however I've been many times for the classic weekend, WEC and more so I'm just basing where I've put everything in the story off what it's been l...

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A/N- I haven't ever been to an F1 weekend at Silverstone so I don't know exactly where everything is, however I've been many times for the classic weekend, WEC and more so I'm just basing where I've put everything in the story off what it's been like when I've been there

"Alana you promised you'd take me!" My little sister screamed at me from her bedroom. A few months ago she won 2 VIP tickets to go to the Silverstone grand Prix. She used to watch F1 with our dad until he died, and kept watching it after. I used to watch it with them as well, but I haven't in the last 6 years. Him and mum had a car crash 6 years ago and they both passed away. Daisy (my little sister) and I both ended up in foster care, but I was only there for 2 years until I turned 18. As soon as I was free I started the process to adopt Daisy and I finally managed 3 years ago. It's just the two of us now but I wouldn't have it any other way.

"Do you really want to go Daisy? It's a long drive for one weekend!" I asked her. If she really wanted to go I would obviously take her but I wasn't going to drive all the way there if she wasn't that bothered about going.

"Yes Alana! I do!" She yelled back at me.

"Okay then. Put your stuff in the car and we'll start driving." We had been to Silverstone with our parents a few times so I knew roughly how long it would take to get there. I made sure we had everything we needed for the weekend and then Daisy and I got in the car and started driving.

After an hour of driving Daisy started to panic. "What's wrong!" I asked, worried something had happened.

"I think I forgot my Lando hat!" She told me. She was worried about not being able to wear a Lando hat! I told her she would be able to buy a new one there and she'd probably be able to get Lando to sign it.

When we arrived at Silverstone we parked up and headed straight in. Daisy was so excited she forgot all about her hat. We got to the gates and showed them our tickets. They told us which way we had to go to get to the paddock. It's a long walk to the international paddock and we only had a car pass for Saturday and Sunday so we decided we'd wait for one of the buses and get on that.

When we made it round to the international paddock we scanned our passes and got straight in. We started walking towards the McLaren hospitality. Daisy spotted a few f1 drivers and other famous people along the way so we stopped to take photos with them. The only person I wanted to meet today was Jenson Button. My dad and I used to support him and I've met him a few times before. As soon as I spotted him I dragged Daisy towards him.

"H..hi Jenson. Would I be able to get a photo with you?" I stuttered, trying not to make a complete fool out of myself.

"Of course you can. Does your sister want to get in the picture as well?" He was just as sweet as I remembered. We ended up talking to Jenson for a while before he had to run off to do something else and we continued down the paddock towards the McLaren hospitality centre.

As we arrived we were greeted by someone on the door who said they were in charge of looking after us for the weekend. She told us that she had planned a few activities for us to do in between sessions. The first thing we wanted to do was have breakfast though. We didn't have time before we left the house and I refused to stop on the way. We put our bags down on a table inside and went to the buffet area to grab some food. Cara (our guide) told us that everything inside hospitality was free and we could have as much as we wanted. Daisy and I both had some fruit salad and pastries. We sat and ate our breakfast and talked to Cara about what she had planned. As it was practice today we would have quite a bit of time to do other things, she said she would try to introduce us to as many drivers as possible.

We asked her to show us where we could do some shopping and look at all the trade stalls. She told us that the two places that we would be able to do that are either just outside the international paddock. Or just outside the national paddock which will have better stalls. Cara said that her car was parked nearby so we could all drive over to the other side of the track.

I wanted to buy some Mclaren merch as none of my old stuff fitted me any more and Daisy wanted to buy a new hat. We both went to the silverstone shop to get that as we wanted the current season's merch. We also decided to go and have a look at some of the stalls that were selling older merch and team wear. I ended up buying quite a few things for Daisy and myself. Then we went to look around some of the other stalls. There were lots of people selling art. I've wanted to get some pieces for our house so I had a look at them. One shop called PopBangColour had some really cool pieces so I decided to buy a large piece for our hallway. It was a painting of Lando's gulf Mclaren.

After we had shopped for a while Cara asked us if we wanted a tour of the national paddock. It was where all of the Formula W drivers would be so of course we said yes. Cara showed us all of the formula w cars, as well as other cars that would be driving this weekend. Daisy spotted Jamie Chadwick and Alice Powell walking towards us so I asked them if we could get photos with them. They were both so lovely. At it was nearing lunchtime we all got back into Cara's car and drove back to international paddock.

When we got back Lando had just walked into the hospitality centre. Cara ran up to him and introduced us to him. He looked even better in person. Lando has always been Daisy's favourite driver, and secretly mine too. When he said hi to us Daisy tried to say hi back but forgot how to speak.

"She meant to say hi," I laughed, "Sorry she's a bit nervous. She loves you!" I told him, only trying to annoy her a little bit.

"Hi..." Daisy managed to say before becoming shy again.

"She's Daisy." I told him. "She's your biggest fan."

"And what about you?" He asked me, "What do you think about me?" he asked me.

"I think you're an incredible driver!" I told him honestly

We ended up talking to him for a while before he had to run off before practice.

On Saturday we spent most of the day exploring more of the circuit with Cara as our guide until qualifying started. We watched the whole session from Luffield grandstand (it was our dad's favourite when we came with him). Lando ended up qualifying in 6th so the whole team were very happy when we got back to hospitality.

We watched the race in the same place the next day. It was an incredibly dramatic race but it benefited Lando in the end as he ended up finishing 4th. We got back to hospitality as quickly as possible to celebrate with the team. Lando was ecstatic when he came over to talk to us. He hugged me so I hugged him back.

"Hey Alana, do you think I'd be able to get your number so we can keep in touch?" he asked me, slightly nervously.

"Wait, are you serious!" I asked him, stunned and he nodded. "Of course!" I told him my number and he told me he had to run off to talk to other people but would be back later.

"Daisy, what just happened!" I was stunned, did one of the best drivers in the world, and my secret celebrity crush of 3 years, just ask for MY phone number!

"Daisy started jumping up and down!" I had never seen her this excited.

"I guess I made the right promise" I said to Daisy. As i did I felt my phone buzz, It was Lando. It said, 'Hey it's Lando. I was wondering if you would want to hang out with me later? I'm sure Cara or Charlotte will be happy to look after Daisy'

I was going on a date with THE LANDO NORRIS!

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