Sebastian Vettel- More than friends

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Photo of you above.

Y/n and Seb have been friends since forever but y/n has started to want to become more than just friends. 


Y/N- Hey Sebby. How are you.

S- Please Y/N. You know I hate that name. Anyway I'm good. What about you?

Y/N- I'm fine Sebby, thanks for talking.

S- Anyway, how are you and Jay.

(Jay is a boy you have been dating for about 3 year)

Y/N- Oh we broke up

S- Oh I'm sorry princess 

Y/N- I saw that smirk Sebby.

S- You caught me. You knew I hated him. Anyway I'm bored. I'm coming over, be there in 10.

Your POV

Omg. I saw the way he smirked when I said we broke up. Maybe he does actually like me as more than a friend. Oh, I need to stop being so stupid. He probably just hated him. Anyway, if he did like me wouldn't he have asked me out already. I am so confused. I really like him but if I said anything and he didn't feel the same it would ruin our relationship. 

Sebs POV.

I can't believe Y/N finally broke up with that idiot. I would be much better for her. I wish I could tell her how I feel but what if she doesn't feel the same. Anyway, I'm just gonna ask her on a date today. I know that she blushes any time I'm around. Maybe she likes me.


S- Hey Princess, I'm just coming up the drive. I still can't believe you finally bought this house. We've both dreamed about owning this place for as long as I can remember. 

Your house 

Y/N- I know

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Y/N- I know. My singing career finally took off so I had to buy this place, you know I always promised myself that I would if I could. 

S- No need to brag princess. Anyway I'm here. 

You open the door and see him stood there and invite him.

Y/n- Hi Sebby, how are you. I missed you. It feels like I haven't seen you in ages.

S- You saw me 5 days ago.

Y/n- That's too long.

S- I know, I'm just that amazing.

Y/n- Shut up.

S- That is a problem as I am never going to be quiet.

Y/n- I figured.

S- Y/N can I ask you something, do you want to go on a date with me. I have really liked you for ages but I've never been able to ask you. I know you will probably say no and won't want to be friends but at least you know.

Y/n- Oh Sebby. 

You turn your head and kiss him. At first he is shocked but then he gets what you are saying. 

Y/n- Sebby, I have really liked you since we met and have always wanted to be more. How about we skip the going on a date and will you be my boyfriend

S- Of course babe. Y/N I think I'm falling in love with you.

Y/n- I'm not falling in love with you Sebby

S- Oh I'm sorry

Y/n- I am in love with you.

He pulled you onto your lap and you kissed for about 3 minutes. You can't believe you are finally going out with the man of your dreams

After a few months of dating Y/n and Seb decided they would move in together. Seb had spent all of his time at her house and they thought it would be the best option for both of them. They could finally spend all of their free time together.  

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