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I reached the building at ten after seven. I was supposed to be there at exact seven o'clock but I had a little coffee accident. I rushed to the elevator. The doors are about to close as to hands get into the tiny space between them, stopping them from closing. To my luck, my boss steps in. Ugh, shit.

"You're late."He said after the doors closed. He looks freshly shaved and showered.
"I know. I'm sorry I had a little accident." He raises an eyebrow down at me. He studies me for a moment, before opening his mouth.

"You seem fine." He tells me, making me frown at him. Oh, he thought I hurt myself or something.

"I meant my coffee. I accidentally bumped into a stranger and let it rain all over us, Sir."
"But you aren't even dirty." Seriously?

"Well yeah, that's why I'm late. I had to head home to change my dress." Sherlock.

"You seem to always have an excuse when you come in late. From now on, I will give you one hour more for every minute you're late. You got that?" He asks me, making me gulp but nod.
With that the doors open and he steps out, walking directly to his office.

I forgot that I didn't get the chance to explain Rina what happened yesterday in his office, since I was too tired to call her. Well I guess since she's already waiting with her arms crossed over her chest, she wants me to start now.
"I'm so sorry Rina. I couldn't call you yesterday. I went straight to bed. I was too..."

"Okay okay, but now tell me what that greek god of our boss wanted from you and why you're already in trouble again, because he looked like he wanted to kill you." She rudely interrupted.

"Okay first of all, DON'T EVER INTERRUPT ME AGAIN!( I hate it when people do that) Secondly, I don't even know why he looked like he wants me 6 feet under the ground. I came in ten minutes later, because I had a little coffee accident. All I know is that he's not like Mister Montgomery at all. He is mean and strict. I don't like him." She turned to me, wide eyed.

"Are you for real? He's the sweetest. He bought all of us food yesterday...WAIT. You didn't get food? Well, he must really hate you." Okay it's official, I need to find another job. ASAP. I want food. A man who won't buy me food is not a real man. Remember that. Remember that.

I decided to not ask him why, because I already know the answer. He just needs to chill. He will get that his behaviour towards me is completely unnecessary. A knock on the door to my office, which is right next to the devil's, brings me back to reality.

"Good morning, sir." I said with my fake smile. I always make sure people know it's fake so they don't get the idea that I like them.
"Uh, seems like the sun is already up in this room." He mutters, sarcasm hinted in his voice. I resist the urge to roll my eyes and wait for him to tell me what he wanted to tell me.

"As you know I'm coming over to your place tonight and-" He starts, but I quickly interrupt him.
"Uh, I know you are having dinner over at James' place, sir. But we don't live together, so there is no need to-"

"I don't appreciate it when people interrupt me, Miss Hampshire. So you better don't do that again. James said we are going to have dinner at Mister Montgomery's mansion? I heard you live there, so therefore we are going to have dinner together." He tells me, making me frown.

"Seems like a plan, but only that the Montgomery's are on vacation in Florida, visiting their family. I don't feel comfortable having two guys in their house." I just didn't want to be alone with him and James. I know the Montgomery's wouldn't mind it if I had friends over, but we're talking about James and Mister Haynes. Hell no.

"I wasn't aware of that. I guess you should talk to James then. I already feel uncomfortable having dinner with my staff, I don't need any drama too. Sort things out and then tell me." He says, leaving my office again. I roll my eyes and call James. No way am I going to let them have dinner at the mansion.

I know James when he's around his buddies. He gets really cocky, tries to touch me all the time and starts drinking. I really shouldn't be with them at the dinner. No way will I let my boss see how my boyfriend of almost one year treats me.

"Hey, babe." James picks up, sounding exhausted. I gulp. Let's hope this will end well.

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