Dinner pt. 2

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Okay if you'd see me from a stranger's point of view you would call the cops and let them put me in a mental healthcare. But from my point of view it is completely acceptable that I'm on my knees and giving my best friend puppy eyes.

"I told you I can't. I'm visiting family over the weekend. I'd love to do a lady's night but let's do it next week okay?" No. Not okay.
"Okay. Fine. Whatever. So that scene was completely unnecessary?" She nods as I stand up again, brushing imaginary dirt off my knees.

"Why are you that desperate anyway? He's hot as fuck maybe you guys can do the n..." I better interrupt before she could say something dirty.
"No, he's my boss and the fact that he's befriended with my boyfriend doesn't make it any better."

Her smile falls as she says: "I still can't believe you didn't dump him already. Mia, it happens way more often than just once a month. Why don't you just break up with James. You wouldn't even have the problem right now. See, he's bad news."

The reason is he has his moments when he doesn't drink. He's also not that bad in bed so why dumping him if u could just avoid him when he's drunk. Also, I'm lonely.

"He apologized. And he is not a bad guy. We had a double date together remember?"
That time where James and I were at base one. We had just met 3 weeks before and I really liked him.

"That was before he started giving you bruises just because he's drunk."
She's right. I don't even feel the heat anymore when he touches me. I don't get all tingly anymore when he looks at me. All I feel is hate. Most of the time we're not even talking anyways. To me he's more like a benefit.

"So you are not coming over?" Avoiding the subject. Check.
"No I'm sorry. But have fun babe."
With that we kiss each others cheeks and I head back to my office.
Only 4 and a half more hours to go.

The elevator doors open releasing a happy looking James smiling at me as he walks in my office. I tried talking him into moving the dinner somewhere else, so I wouldn't get involved. But the connection was bad, so he doesn't know that I'm totally against this evening.

"Hey darling." With that I just glare at him. He frowns.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming to mine? I'm not even sure if it's okay with the Montgomery's."
He just smiles weakly.

"I'm sorry but my flat is way too small for us. And we three will have fun, trust me. He's your boss and I think you can impress him with some of your cooking, huh?"
Oh he thinks I'll just play games with them and talk about whatsoever.
"We three? You two. I wouldn't like to disturb your men time. Plus, you invited him, you cook for him."

"Oh, I was just about to call you." James and I both turn our heads to the doorway where the devil stands, joining our conversation.
"I heard dinner is going to take place somewhere else?" Mister Haynes asks James, making him glare at me for a second. I look at the ground, trying to hide my fear. This will not end well, once he's drunk.

"No, no. It'll be at the mansion. Mia will cook. You need to taste her chicken Parmesan, dude." James says, giving me a warning side glance and I nod.

"It's my mom's recipe, you'll love it." I answered giving my best not fake - fake smile, since James is here and I don't want him to get any more angry at me.

"Now, give me a kiss. I didn't get one in the first place." I turn my head, going on my tiptoes to reach his lips. It's a short kiss because I'm still mad. From the corner of my eye I see Cole looking away, letting me have a look at his clenched jaw. Yeah, I know this is awkward.


"Okay James slow down with the vodka." We are currently sitting on the couch in the Montgomery's mansion. I made sure to tell the family that I'm having company over, just so they know. Because if I don't make it out of here alive, they know it was my abusive boyfriend and his probably as sick friend.

"I'm fine Mia, don't worry." That's what he always says.
"Yeah, he's fine." Mister Haynes slurs, making my head snap towards him. Well he drank too. Shit. Okay I'm out of here.

"Okay guys. I'm going to bed. Be quiet and don't break anything please." I said getting up, but James grips my elbow. I glance at Mister Haynes, seeing him frown at the scene that's about to happen.

"No Mia. You won't go to bed that early." He tries pulling me down again. Not right now James please.
"But James I'm tired." Would he punch me in front of my boss?
"I SAID NO!" With that he stands up, struggling a bit but he manages, his grip still tight on my arm.

"Okay." I whisper, trying not to sound too scared. I don't dare looking into his eyes, but he grips my chin and forces me to meet his lips. I almost gag at the disgusting taste of rum.

"And now, let's continue our dinner, shall we?" James smiles tightly and sits back down on the couch. I make a move to sit down next to him, but he pulls me down on his lap. I'm so embarrassed, right now.

"Sure." My boss says, confusion hinted in his voice. But he covers it up quickly and changes the topic. He leaves a little after that, leaving me and my wonderful boyfriend alone.

For the amount that James drank that night, he didn't hurt me as much as I expected him to. I could actually walk the next day.

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