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I struggle to stifle my moans. He kisses me and soon we finish and I lay my head on his shoulder, panting hard. Oh god, how could I ever resist that?

I feel him take in a breath when I pull away to stand up. I can't believe we just did it again. In his office. On a workday. What is this turning into? It's been a week, since the 'one night stand' that turned into a several night and day stands. We just can't seem to stay away from each other.

I pull my dress down once I stood up from his lap and try fixing my hair. Cole stands up as well and closes his belt, before closing his shirt buttons again. I watch him until I feel like I look decent enough to go back to work.

"Mistake." I state as I give him a peck on his lips. He shakes his head amused and slaps my behind when I turn around to leave his office.

When I get out I look to my left and my right, feeling like a criminal. But seriously, I'm not mad at it. There's something about having sex with my boss, or Cole specifically. With James who only showed me love and affection in bed, I felt like I had to have sex with him, because if not who knew what he would've done.

But now, that he hasn't called or bothered me in ages, I feel free. And the sex with Cole is amazing. I shake my head, I sound like a horny teenager. I should get some work done.

"Hey, should I- damn, you look all sorts of fucked." Thank god it's only Rina, who never knocks.
"What? Really?" My hands shoot up to my hair. Oh god. I just imagine if we didn't have an extra door that is between our offices, all the other staff would've seen me like this. I haven't told Rina about our little whatever we have and I'm not planning on it.

"Don't tell me the pounding on the walls was you! Oh my god." She says, eyes wide. Yes, we did it against the wall. And then on his desk...and desk chair...we did it everywhere in his office already.
"Wow. This is quite cliche, huh." She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Only it isn't exactly. He isn't married and has an affair with me. We're not planning on running away together, leaving his family behind or anything. He's an independent man and I'm his secretary. And we only had sex." I shrug. Guess I'm not as smooth as I thought I was.

"Yet. Soon you-"
"Hey, you forgot thi-" Cole opens my door, without knocking as well, but stops talking when he sees Rina standing in front of my desk.

"What do you all not get when I say knock before opening the door. I could, I don't know, have an important call or-"
"Sex." Rina interrupts me, making me glare at her. She smiles at me innocently, before waving awkwardly.

"I forgot I had some work to do. I'll catch you later." She says before leaving the room and thankfully closing the door. I roll my eyes and take my hair clip out of his hand.

"Thanks." I say, sitting back down on my chair. He nods and places his hands in his pockets again.
"You told her?" He asks, making me frown at him.

"Of course not. She found out. Apparently I look all sorts of fucked." I say, my hands on my hair again. I seriously thought I looked okay.
"Yeah, you do." He chuckles and I glare at him.

"Here, let me help you." He says, his hands on my hair. I sigh, but let him do whatever he's doing. His hands travel down to my face, his thumb tracing underneath my eye.

"You forgot the- uh..." He frowns, looking for the right word.
"Mascara?" I smile and he widens his eyes in recognition.
"Yes!" He says, before his hands are in his pocket again and he takes a step back.

I shake my head, giggling. He chuckles, before scratching his neck awkwardly. If I didn't know better, I'd say he's nervous. And I would lie if I didn't like the view of my nervous, sexy boss. He looks at his expensive watch and back at me.

"Hey, it's almost noon, why don't you take a break. Maybe eat some lunch with me?" He asks, shrugging his shoulders as if he doesn't care. I smile and stand up to stand only a few centimeters away from him.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow.
"What?" He asks, perplexed.

"What restaurant, I mean." I say and his mouth makes an o shape.
"Oh. Uh, I don't know. Maybe Roskoe's?" He asks and I nod. I love that restaurant.

"Let's go then." I say eagerly, making him chuckle, but follow me. I forgot where I was, before it was too late. All eyes of my colleagues shoot towards us and I feel so self conscious.

"You alright?" Cole asks, placing his hand on the small of my back. I nod and fasten my pace towards the elevator. Now, they definitely know something's up.

"What's up with you?" He asks, once we stepped into the elevator. I wait until the doors close and turn to him, meeting his curious eyes.
"Did you see how they looked at me?" I ask, making him frown.

"The way they always look at you?" He asks and I shake my head.
"No. They looked at me as if they knew what was up." I breath out, making him chuckle.

"You're paranoid. How should they know?" He laughs.
"Well, for starters I'm going out for lunch with you." I glare at him.

"Some bosses go out for lunch with their assistants and secretaries. That's normal." He shrugs.
"Yeah it is, but not for you. We never did that before and now-"

"So what if they knew?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Don't look at me like that. Do you have any idea how I feel? I bet they think I slept my way into this job. And that's not what I want people to think about me." I groan, leaning on the elevator wall.

"To hell with their opinion." He says and I shake my head.
"You don't get it. If this ever comes out, we both are fucked. You know that's not something we should be proud of." I say.

"I know that whatever we have between us is none of their business. And if any of them ever bothers you about it, you tell me." He says and I nod, before hugging his waist and kissing his neck.
"All good?" He chuckles and I nod, before pecking his lips.

"Yes." I look at him and see the camera past him.
"Is that a camera?" I ask, untangling my arms from his.

"Oh yeah. We have cameras in every single room, except the offices, of course." He says and I frown. Mister Montgomery didn't have that. The elevator doors open and before we could go to the parking lot entrance, Cole leads us towards the receptionist's desk.

"How about you delete that footage of me and my secretary in the elevator?" He asks, making me raise an eyebrow. Is he trying to hide me? I mean, I'm definitely trying to keep us a secret, but to know he wants that too, makes me feel weird.

"Sir, I cannot just delete-"
"Here." Cole hands him a hundred dollar bill. The young adult nods, taking the money, before deleting the footage. Cole smiles and looks back at me.

"Let's go."

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