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I sigh when we step into the bar. The area is packed with so many people. The music is too loud and it smells in here. I immediately hate it.

"There they are." I hear Rina say and point towards a table. I frown when I see Frederick and Cole sitting on a table in the corner of the bar. I grip Rina's arm, holding her up from walking towards them.

"What do you mean? I didn't know we would see them tonight." I glare at her.
"I knew I forgot something." She smiles innocently and I just harden my glare. She rolls her eyes and literally drags me towards them.

"Hi." She says once we reached them. Frederick stands up and hugs her and then me. Cole blinks surprised at his new company, but stands up to shake our hands. I guess I wasn't the only one who didn't know about this little get together.

"What do you want to drink?" Frederick asks us. I shrug and Rina rolls her eyes.
"We'll each get a martini." She orders for me. Ugh, martinis are something for classy people. I like vodka. And I'll need vodka if I'm going to have to spend the evening with my boss.

"Didn't strike you as a martini girl." I hear Cole say and shrug.
"Didn't say I was." I answer and he leans back in his seat, nodding slowly. Frederick and Rina exchange a knowing look, before I see Rina standing up.

"I want to dance. Come with me Fred." She says and practically drags him up.
"Already? We didn't even get our drinks yet." He frowns, but she glares at him, before laughing down at us.

"Boys." She shakes her head and drags him on the dance floor. I watch bemused as they dance to an old country song.
"She's a dominant one, huh?" I hear my boss say next to me. I shrug and look around the bar.

"Hey." I turn my head to see a familiar guy standing in front of me. I sit up straighter and frown at him, trying to act as if I didn't recognize him. He's one of James' friends and he is not a bit better than him.

"And you are?" I ask, hoping he'd get the hint.
"Oh come on. It's me Matthew. James' friend. Speaking of James, you've been keeping him busy, huh. Haven't heard from him in a while." He says.

"Sorry, I don't know you." I say and his eyes darken, before he leans down.
"Really? Because I definitely remember you." He touches my arm. I flinch and scoop away from him.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?" I hear Cole's voice from beside me and breath out in relief. For the first time I appreciate his presence.
"I was just meeting an old friend." That dirt bag has the nerve to say.

"Well, she clearly said she didn't know you. I suggest you walk back to wherever you crawled out from." He says, making my eyes widen. Matthew lets go of my arm and steps closer, but this time in an attempt to scare Cole. Keyword attempt.

"You better watch your mouth, Prince charming, before I do." He says and I frown. That didn't even make sense.
"I said leave." Cole says calmly.

"I'll give you three seconds." He continues but Matthew stays his ground.
"What? You gonna kick me out?" He smirks and I look at Cole. He shakes his head, waving somebody over. I widen my eyes when I realize it's security.

"Everything alright, sir?" They ask him, but he shakes his head.
"Make sure this little parasite stays out of my bar." He orders and my eyes widen when the guys nod and drag Matthew out of the bar.

"Your bar?" I ask turning to him.
"Yes. Do you like it?" He asks, looking surprised. I shrug.
"I'm not the biggest fan of bars." I answer honestly. He nods and takes a sip of his drink. It looks like whiskey or something heavy like that.

"Thank you." I say, remembering what he did. He simply nods and looks away again. Seriously? Is he ignoring me now? I sigh and look around the bar as well. The more I think about it, the more this bar looks like something Cole would make.

"You know. I did mean what I said." He says, making me look at him. What?
"When you first started working for me." He bites his lip, making me look at his lips, that are just so kissable right now.

"Be a little more specific, please." I say, frowning. He chuckles lowly. Oh god, take me now.
"I said I prefer it to separate business and private life." He says and I nod.
"Yes, I know. And this doesn't look good, does it?" I joke, making him chuckle and shake his head.

"It really doesn't. But since your friend is here too, I might have to reconsider that." He says and I laugh. He takes another sip of his drink, making me look away again. I'm still not comfortable to see a man drink alcohol.

"I'm gonna get myself a new drink." He says, lifting his hand and waving a waiter over.
"Seriously?" I ask, just when the waiter arrives. Cole frowns at me, before widening his eyes slightly.

"You called, sir?" The waiter asks.
"Yes, my friend has ordered two martinis and they're still not here." He says, making me bite my lip from smiling.
"I'm going to get them right now, sir. My apologies." Cole dismisses him with his hand.

"You owe me a dance now." I hear Cole say, just as Frederick and Rina come back to the table, panting.
"What?" I ask perplexed.

"Yeah, you just took away my amusement for tonight. So you're going to amuse me." He reasons as if it was the most logical thing. "And if I don't?" I roll my eyes.

"I'd let it out on you tomorrow. Give you some more hours to work or something." He shrugs after thinking about it.
"But you can't. You're not separating-"

"Just get up already." He rolls his eyes, offering me his hand. I take it, knowing this is going to be interesting.

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