Thank god

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We made it. That's all I care about. We made it, but I'm still never going to fly again. This was just too much for me. We are currently sitting in the car. Cole has convinced me to take tomorrow off, so I have the whole day free.

"I'll see you on Friday. Don't forget, be punctual." He says and I nod and step out of the car. I take my suitcase and sigh. The Montgomery's are still not home and I appreciate that. Today at least. Sometimes it feels pretty lonely, but then again. That's better than living with my mother and my abusive father, right?

"Miss Hampshire?" I hear Cole say and turn around.
"Yes?" I ask and he steps out of the car.

"You forgot this." He hands me my jacket, while eyeing the mansion. I take it and murmur a thank you.
"Do you live here alone?" He asks confused and I frown.

"No." I say and he raises an eyebrow, before nodding and getting back into the car. They drive off and I can finally get into the house. I know he knows I lied, but it's none of his business.

I plop down on my couch and turn the tv on. I look through the channels in order to find something amusing, but there's not one interesting series or documentary.

I sigh and stand up again. I should probably remove my stuff from the suitcase.

Cole's PoV:

As much as I'm trying, I can't mind my own business. After all I've found out about her, I can't just look away. I'm acting like a complete asshole, I know. But somebody has to take care of her.

As far as I know she lives in that huge mansion alone. I should probably call my security to have them watch out for her. Because even if she has a fence and shit, it would be easy to break into her house.

I shake my head and stand up from my desk and pace my office. She hates me, so she wouldn't take my help. I mean I saw how that ended when I tried. It still makes me mad when I think about our pointless argument in Seattle. She knows I'm right, but she's right too. It's none of my business and I should've stayed out of it. But who would do that?

I might be her boss, but I'm a human being. I saw how aggressive James was towards her. And even though he didn't hit her in front of me, I knew it was him who busted her lip. I only found out after I bribed him to leave this city that he had done way more than just bust her lip.

I can't believe I let him off that easily. If I ever see him again... I better not think about this. I place my hands in my pockets and look down on the city. Traffic has got the cars lining on the streets below me. Typical L.A.

I need Mia to trust me. If I had it my way I would stay with her until her family comes back. Or the people who took her. I really didn't get what James told me about them, but I know that they aren't her real family.

I pull out my phone when a sudden thought occurs me. He picks up at the second ring.

"It must be a dream if the great Cole Haynes calls me." He says, making me roll my eyes.
"Frederick." I growl.


Mia's PoV:

I jump when I hear my doorbell ring. Who could that be? It's Thursday night. I quickly look myself over, glad I can walk around without make up again, since the bruises on my face healed. I quickly open the door after seeing Frederick standing there.

"Hi." I say, hugging him.
"Hey, I know this is sudden, but can I live at your place for a few days?" He asks, pointing to his suitcases. I let him in.

"Of course. I have enough space. I'll just have to inform Misses Montgomery." I answer, happy to finally have company again.
"Cool. I'll wait here." He says and I nod and leave him alone to call Misses Montgomery.

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