Heart to Heart

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Song: Major Lazer & DJ Snake (feat MO) - Lean On <<Love this song even though there was helllla CULTURAL APPROPRIATION (Grrr) in the music video, I still bump this song.

"So what happened then?"

"I totally froze." I groaned, covering my face as she began to laugh. The mortification only deepened at the sound of her amusement. My face warmed and I just wanted to sink into my seat and disappear.

"Don't look embarrassed." Kaiya chuckled, giving me a small playful push. "It's cute. Who knew hot-headed, alien kicking ass Avril was a blushing virgin."

"Shut up!" I screeched when two teenager villagers passed by us but scurried away hiding smiles when they heard our conversation. My hand swiped down my face feeling the mortification of them hearing what we were talking about flow into me.

I thought I could never be embarrassed, but I guess I was wrong.

It was the morning after Ike and I got...intimate. I had no idea how to feel about what happened. I had wanted Ike, but then again I had been both nervous and scared. Ike was my first real relationship and sometimes it felt like I had no idea what I was doing. It was like I wanted it, but then when the opportunity came up I freaked out about it.  I didn't know if it was me just being a flake or if it was due to some type of subconscious trust issues I still had circulating around Ike's and my past.

To make matters worst, instead of sleeping on it like I had wanted to, I had spent most of my night tossing and turning. Once again, I had nightmares.

They weren't just any ordinary nightmares either. It was memories from my past involving Gene, the dark days as I like to call them. No matter where I ran and where I hid, he always found me and he always punished me. In these dreams, I wasn't a princess and I didn't have powers to save me or enough self-esteem and confidence to stand up to him. I was the simply, ordinary Avril who loved to act like I was unbothered and like I was the best because inside I was always felt like I was the worst.

I wondered what brought up these constant nightmares and after mulling it over, the only thing I could possibly come up with was that perhaps my mother was trying to reach me again. Perhaps, despite knowing the effect it had own my sleeping conscience, she was trying to get a hold of me.

The only question I had was why? And what could be so important that she would contact me?

So once again today, I woke up restless, tired, and anxious. I woke up feeling so horrible that I knew I needed someone talk to. My first thought was Mist, but I was going to be getting into territory about her brother, and that would get awkward real quick. My next option had been Kaiya. I had found her outside on the long patio, and her and I had found a place on a swinging bench made out of vine alone tied to a couple of trees in front of Alem's home.

At first I thought explaining to her what happened was a good idea, but looking at her amused expression now, I was beginning to doubt my idea.

"Okay, okay sorry. I just thought you had told me before that you and Ike had almost hit the last base one day in his office."

I rolled my eyes. I thought back to memory. It had been during a time full of chaos when our wedding plans were being made I remembered. Our clothes hadn't even been off, and I had stopped him back then too.

"Man does Ike have control or what?" My conscience sniped and like a pro I ignored it.

"Maybe I exaggerated a little bit." I shot her a sheepish smile, squeezing my fingers together to show her my little exaggeration.

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