Not Jealous, Just Territorial

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Song: Mya - Case of the Ex

Throwing the death stare that Jerica shot to me to the back of my mind, I raced after the two girls. What was another enemy, I mean these days I was beginning to have more enemies than friends anyways?

The main village wasn't too far from where Jerica and I had been fighting, so luckily I caught them before they reached the main village area

"Hey Mist!" I shouted, grabbing onto her arm a couple seconds later, breathing heavy.

Mist stared at me, one thin eyebrow raised questioning eyeing my exhausted state. "Yes Avril?"

Raising one finger, I took a few deep breaths ignoring Mist's amusement. I had literally run like hell's hounds were biting at my ankles to catch up with Mist before she got the main area of the village. I wanted our talk to receive as little attention as possible. Already though a few warriors and two fairies who were on the edges of the village was eyeing me peculiarly.

"I need to talk to you about something...alone." My eyes flicked to Ivy and she immediately got my insinuation. "Sorry." I added realizing I was pushing her out.

"It's fine." She told me calmly, a knowing look crossing across her exquisite features. "I realize what you need to talk about. Take your time." And with that she was fluttering away, blue sparks of light glinting from her wings as she did so.

We watched her slip through the tree line towards the village before I turned back to Mist who was staring at me. Curiosity burned in her brown gaze watching me patiently.

"I just have one question." I said not being able to hold back my frown of displeasure, breathing now even. "When was anyone going to tell me that Ike is still up for grabs if him and I don't conjoin?"

Mist eyes widened at my accusatory tone before confusion replaced her shock. "I never thought it would matter. It's you and him."

And then it dawned on me that Mist really had no idea about the Teelah situation or anything else going on. I mean damn, I knew she focused her time with the nurses and teaching them but really? Did she not know any of the drama going on?

"I thought it was me and him, but if Teelah has anything to say about it then it won't be." My words were serious and cryptic and Mist's curiosity merged into wariness and even more puzzlement.

"You're not trying to say..." She gazed intently into my eyes, seeming to be in disbelief that I would even contemplate the idea that Teelah is trying to steal my man.

Nodding with as much importance as I could muster, I crossed my arms. "I'm saying exactly that. Teelah is in love with Ike, and despite us being kindred spirits, Teelah doesn't care. She wants him, and I know it." I muttered in a deadpan tone hoping to relay how deadly serious and confident I was in my suspicions. I mean the girl had practically told me to my face. Selene, how I had wanted to punch her in her innocent looking face the minute she had implied that I was not good enough for Ike, and she could take better care of him. The fucking nerve...

Mist's eyebrows furrowed and skepticism briefly brushed across her facial expression.

My body tensed and something hot burned into my chest. At that moment, it felt like I would lose her too, but I kept my face blank hoping that wouldn't be the case. No, Mist she would believe me. Doubt nudged into my mind. Wouldn't she?

"We all know that Teelah has deep feelings for Ike, but I don't think there's anything vindictive about her. She's harmless." Mist tried to placate putting a reassuring hand on one of my crossed ar,s, but I snatched my arm away from her with a fierce glare.

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