Dinner Time

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The walk back was silent as I digested everything I learned today. Awareness was the first step, but this step had been huge. I knew I could control elements, but I had never thought about it that deeply. Fire? I hadn't even thought of that one, but maybe fire mingled in with my lightening abilities.

By the time we got back the sun was already setting. We walked into Alem's home and was immediately greeted by a savory smell. My belly groaned making me realize I haven't ate since the morning. That occurrence was starting to become more common, and I didn't like it one bit.

"Keep in mind what I said, next we'll have to figure out your trigger."

Confusion splayed across my face. "Trigger?"

"Everyone has a trigger, kind of like an adrenaline rush to your powers. Your trigger is hit and suddenly you become more powerful than you usually are, than you imagined."

He turned around and began walking down his stone engraved path. I followed, deep in thought. The most powerful I had ever been was when I had somehow single-handedly destroyed the Dyonoats, so maybe that instant could point to my trigger.

But what had been my trigger back then?

So many things had been happening at once. Everything had been spiraling out of control. The Dynoats had invaded and were slaying my people. My friends were hurt and Simon was about to die. I was scared. Could the fear had been my trigger?

We entered a room with a large abstract rug covering most of the wooden-like floor. Large, oblique couches framed the space with a nice table in the center. I noticed all my friends,  Ivy and Teelah were in the huddle. At our entrance, everyone greeted us.

"How was your first day?" Mist asked happily. The stress that had plagued her like an unstoppable sickness these past couple of days were no longer written on her face. The ashen, pale skin was back to the warm, glowing color I was use to while her eyes genuinely seemed pacified.

Everyone had been carrying their weight around the village such as the boys chopping wood and the girls helping to make clothes, so that had taken Mist's mind off of everything happening in Terra. Matter of fact, it seemed to have dulled all our panic as we waited for everything to fall back into place so we could be on our way.

I took a deep breath and slowly released. "Intriguing and eye-opening." Were the only words I could say after a long pause. I was learning something new everyday. Every time I learned something, it always seemed to rock my world.

"Dinner isn't suppose to be ready for another hour we were told." Nydale announced and I nodded.

"I'm gonna go and take a shower while we wait." I glanced at Kaiya and saw her slyly wink at me. I quickly glanced away hoping she wasn't hinting at what I thought she was: seducing Ike.


Warily, I stood in the mirror, slowly drying my hair contemplating on rather I should take the bait and seduce Ike before dinner. Throughout the entire shower, I had thought of it.

A part of me felt like Kaiya had no idea what she was talking about. I was aware of my sexuality. I mean I never gave it much thought...but I was aware of it wasn't I?

My ears perked hearing the bedroom door shut, and I took a deep breath.

However maybe Kaiya was right. Maybe I just needed to get comfortable and more exposed to the sexuality I exuded.

Taking one last look at the body mirror, I nodded to myself feeling a determined streak go through me. I was in village warrior clothing. Us girls had been given hand me downs from other warriors since we had no other clothes to wear. The outfit I was in was of course camouflage purple and was actually a nice form fitting dress. It came to my mid thigh and had splits at the hem that ran even higher up my thigh. I assumed it was because it allowed the warrior to raise their legs if they needed to climb or kick.

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