The Departure

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Arms crossed, staring out at the large fields of flowers, I leaned against the ship. The day was pleasantly warm, with the Yetherian sun beating down on us and the aromatic scent of the large flowers swimming in the air.

The week to get ourselves together had come and past and now it was time for our departure. The day after talking to Ingel and seeing Teelah one last time, I had brought all of us together and had a heart to heart with them. I laid down my plans and told them exactly how I felt. I wasn't trying to be any of their friends at this moment, but we needed to all come together and unite as one for this common purpose. We may have problems within our group, but united we would stand and divided we would fall, so I needed everyone to push their differences aside and get on board because the time to act was now. We couldn't wait around any longer and try to mend broken bridges, we needed to get the Orb of Tranquility back and save Terra from total demise.

With hurt shining in their eyes at my clear apathy at fixing relationships, yet resolve guiding their attitudes, they had all whole-heartedly agreed with me. For the next couple of days, under Alem's watch, all of us had begun sparing against the warriors. Ike had pointed out that it may not be a given we would be able to use our powers once we landed, so learning how to defend ourselves without any weapons on hand was must.

Since we had all been fighting with the warriors on and off since we had arrived, most of the sparring was merely brush-ups on what we already knew. I was pleasantly surprise to see that Mist could take a punch to the face and not bawl her eyes out. What surprised me even more was that Aeon and Nydale were both on the same level as Ike when it came to fighting. It had never occurred to me that Ike's left and right hand men were equally as equipped to defend themselves as he was. Once I thought about it, of course, it made sense but their expertise in combat was something I still had not expected from them.

Between our sparring and packing we had tried to brainstorm ways to infiltrate the Dynaot's headquarters but had fallen short each time. There was only six of us and there were too many "what ifs". Despite the flaws in our plan though, we all knew that we wouldn't get anywhere playing it safe. We needed to take risks and we needed to start doing it fast. While I had told everyone about Ingel's talk (excluding me telling him about what has happened on Yetheria between me and them) and explained how Terra was currently in a cease-fire type of state, that conclusion was not good enough for any of us. We all knew Terra was in a very fragile state right now and anything could go wrong at any second.

Now a week later, here we all were, where it had all begun for us in Yetheria- in the large flower fields. Except instead of running for our lives with only us to save one another, we were surrounded by warriors who were seeing us off for our departure.

Alem, Ivy, and a few stood in the center each giving their goodbyes to my friends. Chewing on my lip, reminiscing on memories, I tensed as arms wrapped around me. Turning around to face the person, my body relaxed seeing Ivy.

A storm swirled in her silvery gaze as she looked at me trying to blink away tears that sparkled in her eyes. "I'm going to miss you Avril."

Feeling the burn of emotions that I was really getting tired of feeling, I swung my arms around her and squeezed being cautious of her wings which I knew were extremely sensitive. "I'm going to miss you too Ivy. Honestly, I'm going to miss you so much."

Stepping back, her cheeks glimmered as a wobbly smile crawled along her face. Her hand gently came up to my cheek as she leaned her forehead against mine. Whispered words in a thick accented language I had never heard Ivy speak to me was uttered, before she pulled back once more.

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