Elements of life

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Song: The Lion King - Circle of Life (Damn, I really want to see Lion King now...feeling so nostalgic.)

Silently, Alem and I journeyed through the peaceful forest. Above us, the canopy of purple swayed with the gentle current of the crisp morning wind. Almost enchanted, I watched as flecks of glimmering light bounced off of Alem's wings as he flew forward in front of me. Just like Ivy's in the light, glitter particles seemed to fall gently from his wings only to evaporate into the air before they even had a chance to touch the ground.

"So what are we doing?" I asked after what seemed like forever of moving in the forest listening to only the sound of our breathing and the life around us.

I wasn't scared of him taking me somewhere he could possibly murder me at because frankly I believed I could stomp him like a bug if he tried. Yes, the other day he had flipped me without a sweat, but I had underestimated him. This time I wouldn't. Spider with steoroids, Avril, that was what he was. I knew this now.

"Patience, my child." I was seriously getting tired of him calling me child. It was starting to bug me. He was no Yoda of mine.

A few moments later we walked out of the coverage of the trees. A small gasp left my lips at the beautiful sight in front of me.

With the sun shinning its bright rays on us, warming my skin, we stood on a cliff side. Waving pink grass frosted the cliff ledge we were walking to. Beyond the ledge stretched the vasts plains of this planet that seemed to stretch for miles. Different shades of pinks and purples of the plants danced and weaved with each other as they raced to the bright golden horizon.

At that moment, I finally understood how Simba felt when he stood on the ledge and looked across the African plains.

It was a sense of freedom that settled in my chest, but also small rays of liberated power that seemed to stretch outwards and engulf me.

Alem finally stopped moved forward only a couple feet from the edge. "Sit down." He instructed a few minutes later, silently allowing me to bask in this new-found feeling I had discovered.

Still fluttering in the air, he sat down and crossed his legs. Listening to him, I did the same. "What are we doing?"

The long gray hairs of his beard twitched as if he had just chuckled. "Patience is not one of your strong suits."

"No, it never has been." I replied dully refusing to let this guy ruffle my feathers. I didn't know what Alem's game plan was. So far he had did nothing but helped us, but being practically defenseless on a lone planet such as this put me on edge. The edge was welcomed, however, because it made sure I never got too comfortable.

"You should work on that."

I gritted my teeth. "Listen I came with you for help, not to hear your annoying griping."

He guffawed, eyes closing. "That's fair I suppose." He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds, and I was about to question him again when he finally spoke.

"I come here to meditate. It's a very peaceful place to just forget about it all at times."

Releasing a small huff, I rest my head on one fisted hand looking out at the view. "Yes, it is nice." The flippant tone was obvious.

He chuckled, eyes closed not even looking at me. "You're not taking this seriously, yet you need to take this very seriously. Even with what you have seen, you underestimate your true potential. That is your first downfall."

This caught my interest. "What do you mean?"

"Close your eyes." He said simply.

Letting out an exaggerated breath, I did what he said.

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