His Origins

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Recap from last chapter:

"Don't fret, my love." He grinned, cupping my face in his hand. The shock paralyzed me to the spot, limbs to numb to push him away.

"I now have my two favorite girls by my side." He breathed, joy painting his face while sorrow drowned mine.

"What?" I stuttered out, seconds before I heard heels clicking on the floor.

Turning our attention to the new arrival, a wave of exhaustion swept through me the same time my heart dropped into my stomach. There was only so much I could take, and this was the topper.

Gleeful hazel eyes collided into my baffled ones.

"Did you miss me?" A malevolent scowl crawled along her face. "I told you he would come for me."


I don't know how long I had been staring at the gray wall since I had awakened. An hour, three? Time had become unimportant to me, my body had long ago curled itself into a ball. It needed protection. Reality was a little bit too much for it at the time.

The sheets under my head were surprisingly dry. It had been three days since the big reveal and three days since I last saw Zeddicus. It was like he knew when he pushed me to the edge. He would allow me time to recover slightly and then push me farther, never quite over but far enough where I found myself helplessly dangling from the cliff yelling in peril.

He was playing chess, not checkers, and he was destroying me with every turn he had.

Numbness had encased me into ice. The defeat and whiplash that opened the reservoirs for pain swam around the numbness waiting to attack, but now I felt nothing safely enclosed in the detaching ice.

Get yourself together, a part of me told myself.

Yet, I couldn't find it in me to try.

Hadn't I been trying? Despite everything that had happened, hadn't I tried?

The lines between real and fake, truth and lies were blurring for me. Mentally, emotionally, and physically I was drained. He was playing a game that I had no idea the rules or directions of and he was winning. Every corner I turned something was popping out of me and hitting me directly in the chest and mind every time. Piece by piece he was tearing at me.


The collar



I cringed at the last thought feeling like I was walking through my own personal nightmare. She was supposed to be dead! For goodness sakes, she had more lives than me it seemed. I thought I was done with her. Her vengeful and spitefulness was a nightmare of the past. Yet, she had been there, smirking happily at my distress, alive and well.

It was amazing how the tables could turn. Last time I saw her, she was chained, powerless, and starved, preparing for her death. Now here I was collared, powerless, and slowly losing my mind. I couldn't find it in me to care though. I wanted to cry, yet the iciness that had enveloped me restricted me. There was no use in crying. My pride was on the ground and the hope was somewhere around it to.

My hand came up to my necklace, feeling my mother's pendant and Ike's ring in my palm. The thought of Ike had a gust of loneliness whistling through my body and the ice around me shuddered slightly.

"Mom." I whispered softly to the necklace, eyes on the silver walls in front of me and the grip of my necklace in my hand growing tighter. "You were right. I can't win against the Dynoats." I admitted, the truth of it hit me hard. "Everyone was right. I'm failing. I need help. I need your help. I understand your dilemma. You're stuck on your planet, but I know you can do something, somehow." I licked my chapped lips, teeth coming down and feeling a sweetness coat my tongue. "But I need you. I need you now more than ever mom because I'm feeling like the biggest mess-up and I don't think I win by myself, not like this Please, you have to be able to hear me. I know you can."

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