That Cold December Night

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Song: Halsey - Gasoline

Dedication: First and foremost, I would like to send a special thanks @thnksfrthfndmsFoB for the amazing edit for Avril. I absolutely loove it, and you guys should definitely check it out. Once again, thank you so much for taking the time out and doing this. I fucking love edits!

"I will do whatever I can to help you Avril."

Alem's words of encouragement floated over me, above my head, just out of my delicate reach, as I numbly exited the room. The door had closed quietly from behind me seeming to almost seal my ominous fate.

Two hours later, I found myself sitting against a wall in a lone corridor. Unlike the rest of the house, there were no sun windows here so the hall was oddly more dark compared to the rest of the house.

And I liked it.

Chewing on my nail, I thought over everything that happened since we landed on this Selene forsaken planet. The more my thoughts traveled though, the more the shadows around me seemed to awaken and crawl towards me, taunting me. I found myself burrowing my head between my knees trying to block out my thoughts, but the more I ran from them the louder they got.

Everything was becoming too hard to bare. But I had to be strong. I had to act like the princess that my people wanted me to be like, and Terra princesses didn't crumble under the bone-breaking pressure. Terra princess did everything right and the majority loved them. Terra princess were a mixture of intelligent, bold, strong, and put-together all mixed into one. Terra princess were the epitome of perfect.

Pain ricocheted off the back of my scalp as I swung my head up and accidentally bumped my head against the wall trying to not drown in the shadows around me. A curse of pain left my mouth before I let out a defeated sigh.

Terra princesses were perfect, so I had to be the closest to perfection as I could. Yet, Terra princess didn't have an abusive past that they weren't capable of overcoming. They didn't have friends that hated them and a kindred spirit that couldn't figure out whose side he was on. They didn't have a planet to save and they surely didn't have so much power in their body that they were ultimately a walking, ticking time bomb.

Shakily, I pushed myself to feet feeling a calm suddenly fall over me. Everything was out of my control now, and I could no longer do this by myself. I had unknowingly turned into the one-man walking army that I had never wanted to be, and no longer could I continue this way. I had to tell someone.

Finally, I had found my clarity in the abyss of everything that was going wrong in my life. I think I was finally ready to give in.

Princesses were meant to be perfect, but I felt like I was living in a fractured fairy tale.

Steadily, I walked down the hall, fingertips lightly skimming against the cool surface of the wall. The darkness of the hall diminished with each and every step until the yellow glow of light from the sun windows danced across my skin.

I was going to go back to the start, a start I had never wanted to look at again. But despite walking into the light, I could feel the shadows of my doubts, fears, and insecurities following just behind me, quietly mocking me.

"Ivy, have you seen Ike?" I stopped her seeing her about to past this corridor.

Her head turned to me and she looked me up and down, before a frown marred her exquisite features probably seeing the bags under my eyes and the way any outsider could see that I was slowly breaking down, mind, body, and soul.

"We're actually about to get ready for an early dinner. Nightfall occurs in two hours, and I was just looking for you. I believe everyone is already there." She paused. "Hey, are you okay?"

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